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82 results found

GCSE and Equivalent Attainment by Pupil Characteristics in England, 2009/10

This Statistical First Release (SFR) provides 2009/10 information on attainment for GCSE and equivalent results by different pupil characteristics, specifically gender, ethnicity, English as a...

Early Years Foundation Stage Profile Attainment by Pupil Characteristics in Schools in England

This Statistical First Release (SFR) provides information on attainment for the new Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) by pupil characteristics, specifically gender, ethnicity,...

GCSE English and maths results by ethnicity

The data measures the percentage of pupils at state-funded mainstream schools who got a grade 5 or above in GCSE English and maths. This used to be known as a ‘strong pass’. All data is analysed...

Schools, Pupils and their Characteristics

This Statistical First Release (SFR) is based upon information collected in the School Census. It includes information on both the number of schools and pupils, and tables showing the number of...

Pupil attainment at GCSE by key pupil characteristics

GCSE attainment by different pupil characteristics, specifically gender, ethnicity, eligibility for free school meals (FSM), special educational needs (SEN) and English as a first...

Phonics Screening Check and National Curriculum Assessments at Key Stage 1 in England 2013

This statistical first release will provide information on the achievements of eligible pupils in the 2013 phonics screening check and national curriculum assessments at key stage 1. The statistics...

Pupil attainment at Key Stage 1 by key pupil characteristics

Key Stage 1 attainment by different pupil characteristics, specifically gender, ethnicity, eligibility for free school meals (FSM), special educational needs (SEN) and English as a first...

Core Accessibility Indicator: Secondary schools

Proportion of a) pupils of compulsory school age; b) pupils of compulsory school age in receipt of free school meals within 20 and 40 minutes of a secondary school by public transport/walking and...

Core Accessibility Indicator: Primary schools

Proportion of a) pupils of compulsory school age; b) pupils of compulsory school age in receipt of free school meals within 20 and 40 minutes of a primary school by public transport/walking and...

Pupil attainment: Level 3 qualifications by pupil characteristics

Number of 16-18 year old candidates and average score per candidate for level 3 assessments (post 16) and No. achieving level 3 qualifications by whether pupils eligible for Free School Meals...

Pupil attainment at Key Stage 1 and 2, GCSE and equivalent, Post-16 and value added measures by pupil characteristics

Key Stage 1 and 2 National Curriculum assessments, GCSE and equivalent achievements and post-16 attainment of young people in England by gender and Free School Meals (FSM) eligibility Source:...

NI 052 Take up of school lunches

Percentage of pupils on the school roll who eat a lunch at school that is provided by the school or local authority (including those in receipt of a free school meal). Source: Department for...

Number of children who are eligible for a free school meal in the primary sector (Excluding Danesgate) - (Jan Census Snapshot)

Number of children who are eligible for a free school meal in the primary sector (Excluding Danesgate) - (Jan Census Snapshot)

Number of children who are eligible for a free school meal in the secondary sector (Excluding Danesgate) - (Jan Census Snapshot)

Number of children who are eligible for a free school meal in the secondary sector (Excluding Danesgate) - (Jan Census Snapshot)

Pupil Foundation Stage Profile: by pupil characteristics

The proportion of foundation stage children (five year olds) achieving early learning goals by different pupil characteristics, specifically gender, ethnicity, eligibility for free school meals...

School characteristics: Religious character, size status

Number of schools by size, status and religious character; school meal arrangements (special schools); number of pupils by age (independent, CTCs and academies); number of pupils by ethnic group...

Neighbourhood Statistics - Small Area Pupil Absence & Attainment By Pupil Characteristics

Absence: The tables provide information on pupil residency-based pupil absence broken down by gender. Attainment:The tables provide information on pupil residency-based small area pupil attainment...

Number of children who are eligible and taking a free school meal in the secondary sector (Excluding Danesgate) - (Jan Census Snapshot)

Number of children who are eligible and taking a free school meal in the secondary sector (Excluding Danesgate) - (Jan Census Snapshot)

Total number of children who are eligible for a free school meal - (York LA Local Measure) - (Jan Census Snapshot)

Total number of children who are eligible for a free school meal - (York LA Local Measure) - (Jan Census Snapshot)

Number of children who are eligible and taking a free school meal in the primary sector (Excluding Danesgate) - (Jan Census Snapshot)

Number of children who are eligible and taking a free school meal in the primary sector (Excluding Danesgate) - (Jan Census Snapshot)