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362 results found

Ceaser Reports

Audit of supplier's performance in terms of sustainable development and diversity. Updated: annually.

Spend over £25,000 in HM Revenue & Customs

The spreadsheets below set out monthly details of HMRC’s and Revenue and Customs Digital Technology Services Limited (RCDTS) spending with suppliers covering transactions over £25,000. RCDTS was...

Office Furniture Specifications

Specifications and details of products by supplier that meet HMRC requirements. Updated: ad hoc.

Office Furniture Specifications

Specifications and details of products by supplier that meet HMRC requirements. Updated: ad hoc.

External written translation fees

Data on the fees HMRC pays to external suppliers for written translation services. Updated: monthly.

External written translation fees

Data on the fees HMRC pays to external suppliers for written translation services. Updated: monthly.

Disposal of PM waste

Data by tonnage of PM waste removed for sustainable destruction by supplier (banner). Updated: monthly.

Supplier information dataset

Data held within the procurement management database containing data on suppliers.

The National Archives - Spend over £10,000

Details of supplier payments for individual invoices exceeding £10,000 are shown here. These details are updated monthly.

Payments to suppliers with a value over £500 from Wyre Forest District Council

This page lists reports of individual payments to suppliers with a value over £500 made within the month. Publication of these lists forms part of the Council's commitment to be open and...

Disposal of Office furniture awards

Awards to suppliers for the sustainable removals and disposals of surplus office furniture since April 2009. Updated: ad hoc.

Disposal of Office furniture awards

Awards to suppliers for the sustainable removals and disposals of surplus office furniture since April 2009. Updated: ad hoc.

Student Loans Company Supplier Spend Data FY17-18

Supplier spend over £500 for the financial year 17-18

Student Loans Company Supplier Spend Data FY16-17

Supplier spend over £500, for the Student Loans Company for FY16-17

Accounts Payable - Supplier payments summary

Regulation 113 of the Public Contract Regulation Act 2015 requires all contracting authorities to pay undisputed invoices within 30 days. When disputed invoice payments are not paid within this 30...

Payments to suppliers with a value over £500

This page lists reports of individual payments to suppliers with a value over £500 made within the month. From 2014 it shows expenditure with a value over £250. Publication of these lists forms...

Payments to suppliers by Woking Borough Council

Details of all payments to suppliers by Woking Borough Council

Hampshire County Council payments to suppliers

All relevant payments of £500 or more, net of VAT, not made through Payroll, are listed. Payments from schools delegated budgets are not included at this stage.

Uttlesford District Council payments to suppliers

Expenditure data which includes payments over £250 made by Uttlesford District Council to suppliers for goods and services and grants to third party providers are detailed in data available...

Payments to suppliers with a value over £500

This page lists reports of individual payments to suppliers with a value over £500 made within the month. Publication of these lists forms part of the Council's commitment to be open and...