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892 results found

Amenity Open Spaces

Carlisle City Council Amenity Open Spaces. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence - INSPIRE

Open/Green Spaces

Dataset shows lad designated as green space

Parking Spaces ECDC

Dataset of East Cambridgeshire District Council’s Parking Spaces as defined by the Code of Recommended Practice for Local Authorities Data Transparency 2014. In line with the Governments...

Open Spaces Strategy

This dataset includes the Open Spaces Strategy 2016 as well as all relevant appendices. Barnet has a great collection of parks and open spaces and these are an important part of what makes Barnet...

Strategic Open Space

Land in Stockport designated as Strategic Open Space

Local Open Space

Land designated as Local Open Space in Stockport

Controlled Parking Spaces

The number of controlled parking spaces in the Horsham District. You can learn more about the controlled parking zones (CPZ) on our website. If you require further information related to this...

Parks and Open Space

Overlay of parks and open spaces in the Mansfield District

Public Open Space

Parks and public open space within Northampton.

Rochford Play Spaces

This dataset shows the location of Play Spaces within the Rochford District. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence –...

Public Open Space

This is a polygon dataset used to identify Public Open Space and was part of the Adopted Local Plan (1996-2005)

Public Open Space

Publicly Accessible Open Space constitutes areas with unrestricted public access to informal and formal recreational use. It performs an important role in the environmental quality and general...

Parks and Open Spaces

This is a polygon dataset and identifies Parks and Open Spaces within the Maldon District

Open/Green Spaces

Greenspace Audit and Report

Leisure Open Space

Important networks of public open space, natural green space and recreational facilities protected from inappropriate development.

Countryside and Open Space

Countryside and Open Spaces identified in Local Plans

Parks and Open Spaces

Formal parks, recreation areas and amenity open spaces in Southampton

Open Green Spaces

881 records consisting of green spaces by type, site name, council owned or private or other

Open Green Space

Greenfield land protected but not in the green belt.

Parks and Open Spaces

showing locations of all parks and some of the open spaces in the london borough of lambeth