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141 results found

% of population smoking (APS)

% of population smoking (APS) *This indicator has been discontinued

Camden Smoking Demographics Profile

This profile describes trends and patterns in smoking prevalence in Camden.


This data is polygon coverage of London Borough Merton's smoke control area.


This data is polygon coverage of London Borough Merton's smoke control area.

NHS Smoking Cessation Service Statistics (Scotland)

This report presents information on clients attempting to quit smoking with the help of NHS smoking cessation services, and quit outcomes by calendar year. Prior to May 2010 this publication was...


Areas covered by Smoke Control Orders restricting the type of fuel burnt in domestic homes.

Deaths from smoking

Deaths attributable to smoking per 100,000 population Publisher: Association of Public Health Observatories (APHO) Geographies: Local Authority District (LAD), County/Unitary Authority, Government...

Smoking-related hospital admissions

This public health intelligence profile describes the trends and patterns in smoking-related hospital admissions in Camden.

Smoke Controlled Areas - Craven District Council

Declared Smoke Control Areas under the Clean Air Acts of 1956 and 1968. It is an offence to emit smoke from a chimney of a building, (commercial or residential), from a furnace or from any fixed...

Smoking related behaviour and attitudes

Presents results from questions about smoking which were included on the ONS Omnibus survey at the request of the Health and Social Care Informtation Centre. Source agency: Office for National...

English Smoke Control Areas

This data set contains the location of Smoke Control Areas and exemptions in England. The data is indicative only.

North Lincolnshire Council Smoke control Zones

North Lincolnshire Council Smoke control Zones represented as polygons Smoke control Zones digitised with reference to Ordnance Survey MasterMap.

Indicators on breastfeeding, smoking and obesity

Local NHS data on: Breastfeeding initiation rates and 6-8 weeks breastfeeding rates; Smoking at time of delivery; GP-recorded smoking status among adults; GP-recorded adult obesity status. Source...

Smoke Control Areas - North Ayrshire

Boundaries of Smoke Control Areas within North Ayrshire

Harrogate District Smoke Control Zones

Extents of smoke control zones in Harrogate District as polygons.

Allerdale Smoke Control Orders Land Charge

Smoke Control Orders defined by the extent of a polygon as recorded as a Land Charge Smoke Control Areas defined under the Clean Air Acts and expressed as a Land Charge

Liverpool City Smoke Controlled Zone


Smoking in pregnancy

The percentage of women giving birth in 2007/08 who are current smokers at the time of delivery out of all maternities where smoking in pregnancy status is recorded. Source: Care Quality...

Smoke Control Zones

Smoke Control Zones (Furnace Emission) in York. *Please note that the data published within this dataset is a live API link to CYC's GIS server. Any changes made to the master copy of the data...

Smoke Control Layer v1

Region showing designated smoke control areas where only smokeless fuels can be burnt or exempt appliance used