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172 results found

Library loans (books only)

This dataset concerns loans of books made across libraries in Leeds since the 2000/01 financial year. Please note ----------- * The figures do not include loans of any of media items (for...

Risk of Flooding from Rivers and Sea - Properties in Areas at Risk

This dataset is a product of a national assessment of flood risk for England produced using local expertise. This dataset is produced using the Risk of Flooding from Rivers and Sea data which...

Local Nature Reserves (England)

Local Nature Reserves (LNRs) are a statutory designation made under Section 21 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 by principal local authorities. Parish and Town Councils...

2012 Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) and University of Plymouth Marine Biological Society (MBS) Sharpham Marsh Seine Net Fish Survey

Hand netted and sein netted fish survey carried out at Sharpham Marsh.

Fit notes issued by GP practices

Experimental data on electronic fit notes issued in general practices in England and covers the period from 1 December 2014, when these data became available, to 31 March 2017. The Statement of...

Library loans (all media)

This dataset concerns loans made across libraries in Leeds since the 2000/01 financial year. Please note ----------- * The 2000/01 and 2001/02 figures relate only to the number of books issued....

Anti Poverty

This is a collection of dashboards and datasets showing selected statistics on poverty in Calderdale which has been developed alongside the Calderdale Anti-poverty action plan. The plan has been...

Field notes from Iceland (NERC grant NE/P002331/1)

Direct geological observations made during field work, tied to positional information collected by hand-held GPS.

CRB teaching applications - Devon and Cornwall

FOI response: During the last three calendar years (2009, 2010, 2011), how many people with criminal records have applied for teaching jobs or jobs to work specifically in schools in Devon and...

Risk of Flooding from Rivers and Sea - Postcodes in Areas at Risk

This dataset is a product of a national assessment of flood risk for England produced using local expertise. It is produced using the Risk of Flooding from Rivers and Sea data which shows the...

1958 - Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Plankton Sampling Logbooks Northwest European Shelf seas

A collection of hand-written 'Red Logbooks' recording metadata relevant to plankton sampling events undertaken by Cefas for the purpose of biological monitoring and research.

1985 - 2000 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Benthic Sampling Logbooks Northwest European Shelf seas

A collection of hand-written 'Red Logbooks' recording metadata relevant to seabed sampling events undertaken by Cefas for the purpose of environmental monitoring and research.

Sheffield Local Nature Reserves

Local Nature Reserves (LNRs) are a statutory designation made under Section 21 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 by principal local authorities. Parish and Town Councils...

Homelessness prevention and relief

Annual figures for each local authority in England on the outcomes of actions to prevent or relieve homelessness. Under the Homelessness Act 2002, local housing authorities must have a strategy for...

Estimated Effect of the Budget on Consumer Price Indices and Retail Prices Index

The purpose of this article is to give the estimated effects on the Consumer Price Indices and Retail Prices Index resulting from duty and taxation changes announced in the Budget. This article...

Estimated Effect of the Budget on Consumer Prices Index and Retail Prices Index

The purpose of this article is to give the estimated effects on the Consumer Prices Index and Retail Prices Index resulting from duty and taxation changes announced in the Budget. This article...

1950 - 1988 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Fal Oyster Fishery Data

Hand-dredge survey of the native Fal oyster fishery ( *Ostrea edulis* ) within the Fal estuary from 1950 to 1988. Survey tows carried out at specific waypoints within the fishery order to a...

Alternative Olympics 2012 Medal Table

Looking simply at the numbers of medals won in the 2012 Olympic Games may not actually tell us which countries over-performed against our expectations based on the size of the talent pool available...

A Fairer London: The Living Wage in London

Since 2006 the GLA Group has been implementing the London Living Wage (LLW).The Group continues to include the LLW as a requirement for contracts that are let or renewed. We calculate the Living...

Mental Capacity Act 2005, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Assessments (England), Quarterly Datasets

Since 2009, care homes and hospitals have had to seek authorisation from their Local Authority if they need to deprive an individual who lacks capacity of their liberty as part of their care and/or...