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600 results found

GM Cycle shops

This data came from a desktop study in 2011. Updates were provided by Local Authorities when the paper cycle maps were updated. This dataset was last revised in 2018, and is not up-to-date as bike...

Secondary Shopping Frontage

This dataset consists of the boundaries of all identified secondary shopping frontages within the London Borough of Sutton, including those within Sutton Town Centre and each of the district...

Principal Shopping Centres

Principal Shopping Centres polygon layer records the the five areas detailed in the Local Plan Retailing Policy. This Policy Area is relevant to the Local Plan 2015 Retailing Policy CS20.The City...

Principal Shopping Centres

Principle Shopping Centres identified in the City Plan 2040

Cycle shops and repairs

Provide information about cycle shop and repairs in and around Bristol

Primary Shopping Frontages

Primary Shopping Frontages as part of the Local Plan for North Hertfordshire District Council adopted in November 2022.

Secondary Shopping Frontages

Secondary Shopping Frontages as part of the Local Plan for North Hertfordshire District Council adopted in November 2022.

Digital Assisted Project, North Yorkshire County Council

An Information pack of maps and data to gain an insight into the digital landscape in North Yorkshire.

CYC Assistant Director Service Plans 2018-19

These are the Assistant Director service plans for 2018-19, produced at the start of the financial year as per the City of York Council's __performance management framework__. For more...

Secondary Shopping Frontage - ECON15

Wychavon District Council Secondary Shopping Frontage -ECON15

Primary Shopping Frontage - ECON14

Wychavon District Council Primary Shopping Frontage - ECON14

ADM Centres Shopping Area

Area encompassing all Frontages identified within Town Centre Boundary Policy in the Allocations & Development Management Development Plan Document (ADM DPD)

Shopping Industrial and Emplyment Areas

Shopping Industrial and Emplyment Areas as identified in Local Plans

Places to go shopping in Leeds

Here's a useful dataset to some of the places across the city where you can spend your money! Please note ----------- * Work is ongoing to ensure this data is accurate. * For further...

Peterborough - Licenced Pet Shops

Pet shops licensed under the Pet Animals Act 1951

Hackney Secondary Shopping Frontage

Secondary Shopping Frontage in Hackney. Created over OS MasterMap data. Boundaries have been created in accordance with planning policies which we will use, together with the London plan, the core...

Hackney Local Shopping Centres

Local Shopping Centres in Hackney. Created over OS MasterMap data. Boundaries have been created in accordance with planning policies which we will use, together with the London plan, the core...

Hackney Local Shopping Centres

Local Shopping Centres in Hackney. Created over OS MasterMap data. Boundaries have been created in accordance with planning policies which we will use, together with the London plan, the core...

Hackney Primary Frontage Shopping

Primary Shopping Frontage in Hackney. Created over OS MasterMap data. Boundaries have been created in accordance with planning policies which we will use, together with the London plan, the core...

Peterborough - Licenced Pet Shops

Pet shops licensed under the Pet Animals Act 1951