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416 results found

Horsham District Council Air Quality Areas

Horsham District Council Air Quality Management Areas. The Council's Environmental Health Section undertakes monitoring for Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) at sites throughout the district. Nitrogen dioxide...

Smoke Control Areas

Dundee is covered by a network of 21 Smoke Control Areas, established under Section 18 of the Clean Air Act 1993. Under the Clean Air Act 1993, it is an offence to emit smoke from a chimney of any...

LEGGI 2008 Database

London Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory 2008 showing greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption. LEGGI 2008 is a database of geographically referenced datasets of energy consumption within...

Climate Change Agreements

Details of current or terminated Climate Change Agreements (CCA) for the UK under the Climate Change Agreements (Administration Facilities) Regulations 2012. The Climate Change Agreement scheme has...

AQS Alpha

An experimental data source for the Air Quality Sensor project. A Collaboration between Chris Hunt (Controlled Frenzy), Gavin Jones and Christian Cook (Elixel).

QICS Paper: Detection of CO2 leakage from a simulated sub-seabed storage site using three different types of pCO2 sensors

This work is focused on results from a recent controlled sub-seabed in situ carbon dioxide (CO2) release experiment carried out during May–October 2012 in Ardmucknish Bay on the Scottish west...

Remotely Sensed Flood Estimates

The estimated flood extent is an un-validated raw product often processed rapidly to share with category one partners during an incident. You must refer to the limitations of the data when using...

DarwinPlus053: Northern Rockhopper penguin Eudyptes moseleyi GLS data from Nightingale Island, Tristan da Cunha, 2016-2017

Darwin Plus Project 053 Nightingale Island, Tristan da Cunha The dataset is under Embargo until data...

LIDAR Composite Digital Surface Model (DSM) - 1m

The LIDAR Composite DSM (Digital Surface Model) is a raster elevation model covering ~99% of England at 1m spatial resolution. The DSM (Digital Surface Model) is produced from the last or only...

LIDAR Composite Digital Surface Model (DSM) - 2m

The LIDAR Composite DSM (Digital Surface Model) is a raster elevation model covering ~99% of England at 2m spatial resolution. The DSM (Digital Surface Model) is produced from the last or only...

National LIDAR Programme

The Environment Agency National LIDAR Programme provides accurate elevation data at 1m spatial resolution for all of England. In 2017 we divided the country into 302 survey blocks covering all of...

LIDAR Composite Digital Terrain Model (DTM) - 1m

The LIDAR Composite DTM (Digital Terrain Model) is a raster elevation model covering ~99% of England at 1m spatial resolution. The DTM (Digital Terrain Model) is produced from the last or only...

LIDAR Composite Digital Terrain Model (DTM) 2m

The LIDAR Composite DTM (Digital Terrain Model) is a raster elevation model covering ~99% of England at 2m spatial resolution. The DTM (Digital Terrain Model) is produced from the last or only...

LIDAR Composite Digital Terrain Model (DTM) 10m

The LIDAR Composite DTM (Digital Terrain Model) is a raster elevation model covering ~99% of England at 10m spatial resolution. The DTM (Digital Terrain Model) is produced from the last or only...

LIDAR Composite First Return Digital Surface Model (FZ_DSM) - 1m

The LIDAR Composite First Return DSM (Digital Surface Model) is a raster elevation model covering ~99% of England at 1m spatial resolution. The first return DSM is produced from the first or only...

LIDAR Composite First Return Digital Surface Model (FZ_DSM) - 2m

The LIDAR Composite First Return DSM (Digital Surface Model) is a raster elevation model covering ~99% of England at 2m spatial resolution. The first return DSM is produced from the first or only...

Shelf Sea Biogeochemistry - CANDYFLOSS SmartBuoy

This data set consists of biogeochemical sensor data from SmartBuoy moorings (Mills et al, 2005). SmartBuoys consist of a 4 meter tall stainless steel frame with a fibreglass torroid for...

LIDAR Composite First Return DSM 2020 - 2m

PLEASE NOTE: This dataset has been retired. A new version of the data is available here: The LIDAR Composite First...

LIDAR Composite First Return DSM 2020 - 1m

PLEASE NOTE: This dataset has been retired. A new version of the data is available here: The LIDAR Composite First...

Seawater temperature records for the UK Shelf - 17 - Cefas ESM2 Profiler/mini CTD Logger

This dataset has been extracted as part of an exercise to assemble "all" Cefas Temperature Data and publish it in a Data paper. It is one of 17 Cefas data sources assembled. ESM2 is a Cefas...