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Defra live data page for energy consumption

Real time energy consumption data for Defra's headquarters building.

Increase in % of businesses paying real Living Wage

Increase in % of businesses paying real Living Wage

NI 178b - Bus services running on time - Average waiting time

Proportion running on time and excess waiting times for bus services. Punctuality is generally measured according to the guidance provided by the Department for Transport on the CLIP website.

NI 178a - Bus services running on time - Proportion running on time

Proportion running on time and excess waiting times for bus services. Punctuality is generally measured according to the guidance provided by the Department for Transport on the CLIP website.

Department for Education Gas and Electricity half hourly data

Department for Education real time energy consumption from 28th July 2010.

Ministry of Justice live data page for energy consumption

Real time energy consumption for the Ministry of Justice headquarters building 102 Petty France.

MOD Head Office live data page for energy consumption

Real time energy consumption data for the MOD headquarter building MOD Main Building, Whitehall.

Home Office live data page for energy and water consumption

Real time energy and water consumption for the Home Office headquarters building 2 Marsham Street.

2021 Camden School Places Planning Reporting (Primary, Secondary & SEND)

The 2021 Camden Annual School Places Planning reporting incorporates all underlying demographic data including: existing provision and capacity, actual registered births, and fertility, the latest...

National Archives - Trade Union Facility Time Data

The data provides information about the time employees take off for official trade union activities, and the costs involved. This data is also available on

Fire statistics: Response times

This information covers fires, false and other incidents attended by firecrews, and the statistics include the numbers of incidents, fires, fatalities and casualties as well as information on...

Fire Incidents Response Times

Data on response times to incidents attended by Fire and Rescue Service in England. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

Referral to Treatment Times(RTTs)

Referral to treatment (RTT) times for patients whose 18 week clock stopped during the month with an inpatient/day case admission. Source: Department of Health (DoH) Publisher: Department of...

ITIS journey time data

Integrated Transport Information Service (ITIS) congestion data - Data purchased from ITIS containing GPS-derived journey times of vehicles. Data collection ceased.

DFID live data page for energy and water consumption

Real time energy and water consumption for the DFID headquarters buildings at 1 Palace Street, London SW1 and Abercrombie House, Glasgow G75.

DFID live data page for energy and water consumption

Real time energy and water consumption for the DFID headquarters buildings at 1 Palace Street, London SW1 and Abercrombie House, Glasgow G75.

Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System (AMPS): real-time numerical weather prediction model output at 4.5 and 6km resolution for the Antarctic

The Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System (AMPS) is an experimental, real-time numerical weather prediction capability that provides support for the United States Antarctic Program, Antarctic...

Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System (AMPS): real-time numerical weather prediction model output at 4.5 and 6km resolution for the Antarctic

The Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System (AMPS) is an experimental, real-time numerical weather prediction capability that provides support for the United States Antarctic Program, Antarctic...

The Terra-Correlator: A computing facility for massive real-time data assimilation in Environmental Science (NERC Grant NE/L012979/1)

The Terra-correlator: A computing facility for massive real-time data assimilation in environmental science. Two Application Framework Papers: 1) Report on Terra-Correlator Application Framework....

DCMS live data on electricty and gas consumption

Electricity and gas consumption data for the DCMS headquarters building at 100 Parliament Street. It’s generated in real-time from data taken every 5 seconds from the on-site meters.