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248 results found

Unemployment Claimant Count LATEST

DWP Claimant Count unemployment measure, combining Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) claimants and Universal Credit claimants who are actively seeking work. Latest month.

KIS / Unistats data

The dataset contains information which prospective students have identified as useful, such as student satisfaction, graduate outcomes, learning and teaching activities, assessment methods, tuition...

Plant Protection Product information

A number of databases that hold details of information on around 7000 Plant Protection Products that have held an authorisation for use and those with On-Label authorisations since 1998. For all...

Bristol City Council Recruitment

Bristol City Council is one of the largest employers in the West Country. We are committed to achieving equal opportunities and we are seeking to attract a workforce that reflects the diverse...

General Pharmaceutical Services

The General Pharmaceutical Services in England report shows information about community pharmacy contractors (community pharmacies) and appliance contractors in England, and the NHS services they...

Section 106 Agreements

A Section 106 is a legal agreement between an applicant seeking planning permission and the local planning authority, which is used to mitigate the impact of your new home on the local community...

Winchester Landscape Character Areas

Winchester Landscape Character Assessment - carried out by WCC. Derived from paper map sources geophysical, landcover and OS 25000 and fieldwork. Please seek permission from Winchester City...


Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) captured as regions against Ordnance Survey MasterMap; attribution includes area location. The data is maintained by Professional Services Officers. This...

Testing And Registration System (TARS) refunds

Details & copies of logos issued (Driver Certificate of Professional Competence and & SAFED).

Ecosystems Interactions - Scaling issues

Report contains data that can be used under Open Government Licence. The project seeks to define key interactions between ecological systems which need to be taken into account for decision making...

Stevenage Borough Local Plan

The Stevenage Borough Local Plan 2011-2031 was adopted on 22 May 2019. The Local Plan replaces the District Plan (Second Review). The Stevenage Borough Local Plan sets out how Stevenage will...

PLA LDF Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation

SINC: Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation. SINCs are designated by a panel of local ecological professionals. This is a non-statutory designation, although SINCs are still afforded a high...

Heritage at Risk Polygons 2021-2023 GIS data

Heritage at Risk provides an understanding of the overall state of England’s heritage assets. Every year Historic England updates the Heritage at Risk Register. The end result is a dynamic picture...

Building on success: increasing higher education retention in London

**The GLA commissioned the Social Market Foundation to look at the reasons behind the non-continuation (drop-out) rate of undergraduates studying at London’s higher education institutions.** This...

Wiltshire Council - Settlement Boundaries

Settlement or development boundaries seek to set clear limits to towns and villages. They are designed to define the existing settlement and to identify those areas of land where development may be...

Childcare demand projections

GLA Economics presents London childcare demand projections.  These are demand for formal childcare for 0-14 year olds, and sub-age groups.  The definition of formal childcare used is broad, and...


Article 4 Directions (Article 4s) captured as regions against Ordnance Survey MasterMap. Article 4 Directions are issued by the Council where specific control over a development is needed....

Retail and Town Centre Uses Completions 2002-2016

Town centre uses completions by district and use class in Cambridgeshire 2002-2016. Shows Retail (A1), B1a (Office), A2 (Professional and Financial Services) and D2 (Leisure). Amount of floorspace...


Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) captured as regions using Ordnance Survey MasterMap; individual TPOs may be represented a one large region where they are densely clustered. Attribution includes TPO...

Central Activities Zone

showing boundary of area defined in London Plan as containing a cluster of vitally important activities including central government offices, headquarters and embassies, the largest...