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911 results found

Hackney Independent Schools

Independent Schools in Hackney. Information downloaded from Edubase, geocoded using coordinates from Hackney Code Point (OS).

Independent living

This data has been taken from LG Inform at data reference ID 31. It shows the percentage of vulnerable people achieving independent living in Plymouth from financial...

Independent Assessor data

Independent assessor personal and contract data. Includes contracts, contact details, performance information, appraisals, issues, length of service, applications and references. Portal log on...

Patient Experience PSA Scores

Patient experience. Source agency: Health Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Patient Experience PSA Scores

Personal Independence Payment

Personal Independence Payment was introduced in April 2013 and has started to replace Disability Living Allowance for disabled people aged 16 to 64. The information recorded includes Name, National...

London Happiness Scores, Borough

TAKING PART SURVEY This data shows satisfaction with life in general across a number of groups. The exact question posed to repondents was: 'Taking all things together, how happy would you say you...

Independent Sector Healthcare Providers

Independent Sector Healthcare Providers Contains: Ephp.csv contains parent Independent Sector Healthcare Providers (ISHPs). Note that ISHPs are considered slightly different from those...

Independent Complaints Assessor cases

Details required for Independent Complaints Assessor cases correspondence including letters from customers and DSA evidence to support the case concerned.

ID 2007 Average IMD Score

ID 2007 Average IMD Score (Population weighted average of the combined index of multiple deprivation (IMD) scores for the SOAs in a district) Source: Communities and Local Government (CLG): ID...

Defra Open Data Maturity Model Scores

Results from assessment of Open Data maturity for Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs at a national level. The assessment does not cover Defra's agencies and public bodies. The...

HMRC Customer Experience Scores

Data on HMRC's Customer Experience Scores, measuring the customer experience that the tax system is simple and even-handed. See the "full description" link below to go to the page on the HMRC...

Non-association independent schools statistics

Ofsted statistics on the inspections and outcomes of non-association independent schools in England.

Project scores for DFID development projects

Internal project scoring of project performance

Defra Group Open Data Maturity Assessment Scores

Results from assessment of Open Data maturity for Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs group bodies at a national level. The scores were produced by completion of the Open Data...

Independent Sector Healthcare Provider Sites

Independent Sector Healthcare Provider Sites Contains: Ephp.csv contains parent Independent Sector Healthcare Provider Sites (ISHPs). Note that ISHPs are considered slightly different from...

Index of Deprivation 2004 - Average Score

ID 2004 Average IMD Score (Population weighted average of the combined index of multiple deprivation (IMD) scores for the SOAs in a district) Source: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM): ID...

Independent Living Fund complaints data

Complaints database, correspondence with complainants, users, Independent Case Examiner (ICE), Public and Health Service Ombudsman, ILF appeal boards referrals and decisions. Contains personal and...

Index of Multiple Deprivation Score, 2007

This dataset contains the scores underlying the Index of Multiple Deprivation, 2007. These figures combine values of many indicators into a single score that indicates the overall level of...

Index of Multiple Deprivation Score, 2010

This dataset contains the scores underlying the Index of Multiple Deprivation, 2010. These figures combine values of many indicators into a single score that indicates the overall level of...

Personal Independence Payment Statistics

This release will include experimental Official Statistics on PIP caseload by geographical breakdown, main disability, age, mobility award, daily living award, gender and normal and special rules...