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660 results found

DiSECCS - Diagnostic Seismic Toolbox for Efficient Control of CO2 Storage. Final Summary report: Work packages 1 - 4. BGS Report OR/17/002.

EPSRC project EP/K035878/1 - Report summarising scientific findings from Work Packages 1 to 4 of the DiSECCS project. These include advanced seismic methods for assessing pressure changes and fluid...

UKCCSRC Call 2 Project: Advanced Sorbents for CCS via Controlled Sintering

The project is mainly experimental in nature. Sieved samples of a variety of UK, Canadian and Spanish limestones will be pre-calcined and sintered at elevated temperatures to differing extents...

EWCO - NfC Ammonia Emissions Capture for SSSI Protection

Spatial data supporting the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) additional point scoring for ammonia capture. There is no Additional Contribution for ammonia capture but EWCO supports action to...

Median House Prices (Land Registry)

Annual house price inflation, simple and mix-adjusted average house prices, by dwelling, type of buyer, number of transactions, mortgage advances, distribution of borrowers' ages/incomes, interest...

Mean House Prices - Land Registry (Quarterly)

Annual house price inflation, simple and mix-adjusted average house prices, by dwelling, type of buyer, number of transactions, mortgage advances, distribution of borrowers' ages/incomes, interest...

Mean House Prices (Land Registry)

Annual house price inflation, simple and mix-adjusted average house prices, by dwelling, type of buyer, number of transactions, mortgage advances, distribution of borrowers' ages/incomes, interest...

Lower Quartile House Prices - Land Registry (Quarterly)

Annual house price inflation, simple and mix-adjusted average house prices, by dwelling, type of buyer, number of transactions, mortgage advances, distribution of borrowers' ages/incomes, interest...

Further Education Learning Aims database

Data used by SLC to offer as reference data in the application process for Advanced Learning Loans.

Technology Programme Records

Research Records related to the technology programme at CCFE, researching new advanced technologies and materials for example.

Child Maintenance Appeals

The Appeals Tracking System is a small system used to assist the tracking of child maintenance appeals, Advanced Departures and Advanced Variations. Decision Appeals - Only specific decisions may...

Occurrences of sensitive fish species in scientific trawl surveys of the Northeast Atlantic 1983-2020

The OSPAR (``_) fish biodiversity assessment concerns sensitive and often rare species in the northeast Atlantic Ocean and marginal seas. All fish species captured...

Occurrences of sensitive fish species in scientific trawl surveys of the Northeast Atlantic 1983-2020

The OSPAR (``_) fish biodiversity assessment concerns sensitive and often rare species in the northeast Atlantic Ocean and marginal seas. All fish species captured...

QICS Paper: The use of scientific diving in support of a novel carbon dioxide release experiment

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a way of possibly reducing impacts from fossil fuel emissions by injecting large volumes of carbon dioxide into appropriate geological formations. Some of the...

Enterprise Zone

This Zone comprises of three sites which are our primary locations for automotive, low carbon vehicles, advanced manufacturing and advanced engineering sectors.

MOD Estate Information

General facts and figures about the MOD estate. Includes data on size and use of the estate as well as any statutory designations on the estate (such as Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs)...

Chilbolton Advanced Meteorological Radar (CAMRa) data, part of the Clouds, Water Vapour and Climate (CWVC) programme

These data are part of the NERC Clouds, Water Vapour and Climate (CWVC) programme. With a diameter of 25 metres the 3 GHz CAMRa at Chilbolton Observatory (UK) is the largest steerable...

Chilbolton Advanced Meteorological Radar (CAMRa) data, part of the Clouds, Water Vapour and Climate (CWVC) programme

These data are part of the NERC Clouds, Water Vapour and Climate (CWVC) programme. With a diameter of 25 metres the 3 GHz CAMRa at Chilbolton Observatory (UK) is the largest steerable...

Pupil attainment at GCE/VCE A/AS: results

Average GCE/VCE A/AS and key skills point scores, Advanced Extension Awards (AEA) and post-16 vocational qualification achievement of 16-18 year old candidates by gender in each Local Education...

Early assessment of the UK Innovation Investment Fund

Underlying data for a report that explores the likely economic effectiveness of the UK Innovation Investment Fund (UKIIF). Set up to invest in technology based businesses with high growth...

Observations from the International Phenology Garden at Alice Holt, Hampshire (2005-2015)

These data are the annual records of observations of phenological phases of plants in the International Phenology Garden (IPG) at Alice Holt, Hampshire. The IPG network consists of replicated...