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63 results found

Business Rates

Information on businesses who pay business rates in Salford. Information includes business address, rateable value and other details.


Salford CIty Council Councillor details provided in XML data format. Including a list of councillors, contact details and committee membership.

Council Constitution

This dataset provides information on the Constitution at Salford City Council. Details are provided to meet the required standards of the Local Government Transparency Code 2014.

Social Housing Asset Data

This dataset provides information on Social Housing Asset Data at Salford City Council. Details are provided to meet the required standards of the Local Government Transparency Code 2014.


Dataset of park locations managed and maintained by Salford City Council. Upon accessing this licensed data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence -...

Conservation Areas

Areas of special architectural or historic interest within Salford, (the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance) as per the powers of Section 69 of the Planning...

Wildlife Corridors Areas of Search

Wildlife corridors areas of search as defined in Salford UDP 2006. These areas are the areas within which UDP Policy EN9 operates. They are areas of search for wildlife corridors - land which...

Manchester Airport Safeguarding Zone - wind turbines

Dataset showing that the city council should consult with Manchester Airport for any wind turbine development within the city boundary. The purpose of the safeguarding zone is to ensure that the...

Nitrogen Dioxide Diffusion Tube Sites

Salford operates a nitrogen dioxide diffusion tube network to obtain information on the temporal and spatial variation. The network has over 10 years of data at various locations in the area. The...

Manchester Airport Safeguarding Zone - buildings exceeding 90m in height

Dataset showing an area of the city (known as a safeguarding zone) where the city council should consult with Manchester Airport when development for buildings, structures, erections and works...

Manchester Airport Safeguarding Zone - development likely to attract birds

Dataset showing an area of the city (known as a safeguarding zone) where the city council should consult with Manchester Airport where development is likely to attract birds, such as proposals...

Land and property assets

Dataset of land and property assets, where the Council has either has an ownership or occupational interest. Council housing stock properties are not part of the land and property...

Proposals Map Data

The proposals map for Salford reflects the spatial policies of the adopted development plan. It contains policies from the UDP, the Minerals DPD and the Waste DPD. The datasets included are listed...

Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post 1988 survey ALCW00390

Survey name: ABBOTS SALFORD Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data – scanned original paper maps and survey reports for individual sites surveyed in detail between 1989...

Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post 1988 survey ALCC03997

Survey name: Salford, Whitsundoles Farm Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data – scanned original paper maps and survey reports for individual sites surveyed in detail...

Soil biological activity in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, Ukraine, September 2005 and spring 2016

Data comprise site location, soil chemistry (pH, soil moisture), soil radionuclide activity concentrations (the isotopes measured were: Americium-241, Caesium-137, Plutonium-238, -239 and -240,...

Natural Capital County Atlas Mapping (England)

This spatial dataset is an output of the Natural England County & City Natural Capital Atlas project (July 2020). It shows variation in ecosystem service flow for habitats across England, based...

Greater Manchester Travel Diary Survey 2022 - district summaries

Each year, the Greater Manchester Travel Diary Survey (TRADS) collects transport and travel information from every member (aged over four) of 2,000 households; respondents provide details about all...

GCN - Strategic Opportunity Areas (England)

This dataset identifies areas where the addition of new ponds would benefit Great Crested Newt populations defined as strategic opportunity areas (SOAs). These England-wide dataset incorporates the...

Greater Manchester Travel Diary Survey 2023 - district summaries

Each year, the Greater Manchester Travel Diary Survey (TRADS) collects detailed transport and travel information from every member (aged five or older) of 2,000 Greater Manchester households....