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196 results found

Index of Deprivation 2004 - Employment Domain

ID 2004 Employment Domain (measures employment deprivation conceptualised as involuntary exclusion of the working age population from work) Source: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM): ID...

Soil biological activity in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, Ukraine, September 2005 and spring 2016

Data comprise site location, soil chemistry (pH, soil moisture), soil radionuclide activity concentrations (the isotopes measured were: Americium-241, Caesium-137, Plutonium-238, -239 and -240,...

Bird Vocalisation Activity (BiVA) database: annotated soundscapes from the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone

Data comprise audio files captured using a Wildlife Acoustics SM3 Songmeter located on an overgrown unpaved road close to several abandoned houses with deciduous trees (including fruit trees in...

A 'Reference Site' in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone: radionuclide and stable element data, and estimated dose rates

Data comprise radionuclide activity concentrations, stable element concentrations and both radionuclide and stable element concentration ratios for vegetation and wildlife samples collected in the...

Summer Schools Evaluation 2012 Strand 3 Matched pupil data

Returned matched survey data of 19,000 pupils who participated in the 2012 Summer School Pupil evaluation. As part of the DfE' s commissioned evaluation Survey responses are matched with the...

Department of Transport Information Asset Register

The department’s Information Asset Register (IAR) is a table of information relating to the important datasets that the department is responsible for. These information assets are managed in line...

Motion-activated camera trap images of Eurasian Lynx in the Ukrainian Chornobyl Exclusion Zone, 2012-2018

Data comprise a catalogue of motion activated digital trap camera images of Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx (L., 1758)) obtained from motion-activated digital trap cameras located within the Chornobyl...

National Insurance Contributions and Qualifying Years

This release provides the latest estimates on people who have paid National Insurance contributions since 1978/79. The figures show all the contribution types that a person has paid during the...

Full information/data on DFID aid projects

DFID publish the following information on a monthly basis: * Details on international development projects including budgets and financial transactions. * Information on sectors, geographical...

Energy Resources - Sectoral Marine Plan - Offshore Wind Innovation and Targeted Oil and Gas - Areas of Search and exclusions

The Areas of Search and exclusions identify early Sectoral Marine Planning considerations for suitable offshore wind development. These locations will be progressed through a Sectoral Marine...

Pupil Referral Unit Census

The Pupil Referral Unit Census is a statutory return for all local authority maintained PRU's and alternative provision academies including alternative provision free schools in England. The Pupil...

Primary Shopping Frontages

The extents of the Primary Shopping Frontages in Nottingham City Centre. These are the main retail streets but not exclusively.

NI 053 Prevalence of breast-feeding at 6-8 weeks from birth

Percentage of infants being breastfed at 6-8 weeks. Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive Geographies: Local Authority District...

Scotland's wildness - ruggedness

One of four component layer of the Scottish wildness map. This layer seeks to capture ruggedness: 'landform which is rugged, or otherwise physically challenging' (Annex 1 SNH policy statement). The...

School Census

The School Census is a statutory data collection for all maintained nursery, primary, secondary, middle-deemed primary, middle-deemed secondary, local authority maintained special and...

Designated car parks

Designated car parks are areas of land set aside for parking, within an established parking area. Designated car parks are for the exclusive use of tenants and leaseholders.


Boundaries definining Parking Zones within the borough. Parking Zones restrict car parking to holders of parking permits, usually but not exclusively local residents and business owners.

Local Authority Land

Camden land by tenure inline with DCLG 2014 transparency code. Exclusion inclusive of social housing apply to this dataset. See DCLG 2014 transparency code for more details.

Wildlife camera trap photographs from the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone, Ukraine (June 2020 - November 2020) following extensive wildfires

The data presented here comprise a catalogue of 61736 camera trap images obtained during the period June - November 2020 (this period is described within the dataset as 'setup 1'). Following the...

Wildlife camera trap photographs from the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone, Ukraine (November 2020 - March 2021) following extensive wildfires

The data presented here comprise a catalogue of 11633 trap camera images obtained during the period November 2020 to March 2021; this period is described within the dataset as setup 2. Following...