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Species point records from 1991 MNCR Ravenglass, Duddon & Ribble estuaries littoral survey

The Ribble, Duddon and Ravenglass estuary systems drain into the eastern basin of the Irish Sea. These estuaries have general west to east orientation which gives rise to a marked gradient of...

Habitat point records from 1991 MNCR Ravenglass, Duddon & Ribble estuaries littoral survey

The Ribble, Duddon and Ravenglass estuary systems drain into the eastern basin of the Irish Sea. These estuaries have general west to east orientation which gives rise to a marked gradient of...

Hospital Episode Statistics (HES): Accident and Emergency Attendances - provider level analysis

This is the annual publication of the Accident and Emergency (A&E) Attendance data within Hospital Episodes Statistics (HES). It draws on over 18 million detailed records per year of...

Sullom Voe benthic biotope map

Envision Mapping was sub-contracted by Heriot Watt University for Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) to undertake broad scale subtidal biotope mapping of Sullom Voe cSAC. Sullom Voe in the Shetland...

Source Attribution - deposition of nitrogen and sulphur to UK protected sites

This dataset contains source attribution data for nitrogen and sulphur deposition across the UK. The FRAME (Fine Resolution Atmospheric Multi-Pollutant Exchange) atmospheric dispersion model, using...

Personal Income Analyses: Except Sub Regional

Provides detailed information on individuals liable to UK income tax and their incomes, including gender, age, income source and tax distribution. Previously listed under 'Revenue-based Taxes and...

Income Tax Liabilities Statistics

Provides breakdowns of the number of income taxpayers and Income Tax liabilities by age and gender, marginal tax rate, income source and tax band, and by country and region. Previously listed under...

shinylight, a light-weight R package to create rich web applications (NERC Grant NE/T001518/1)

The code base for IsoplotR’s graphical user interface (GUI) and its core data processing algorithms are surgically separated from each other. The command-line functionality is grouped in a...

AddressBase Plus

For direct marketing teams: take your data analysis to the next level by referencing data to individual addresses (such as flats) rather than mail delivery points (houses divided into...

CT61 Return (Company Payments and interest)

Data from the Return of Income Tax on company payments (CT61) on tax deducted at source on interest. Updated: monthly.


Source agency: Office of Rail and Road Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Regional Rail usage

Rail Health and safety

Source agency: Office of Rail and Road Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Rail Safety and Health key statistics

Safety on the railways

A summary of safety on the rail network Source agency: Office of Rail and Road Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Safety on the railways

Rail finance

Investment made by private companies into the rail industry Source agency: Office for Rail Regulation Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Rail finance

NSTA and Lloyd's Register SNS Regional Geological Maps (Open Source)

Contains a set of regional geological maps for the given area including: depth structure, isochores, subcrop and supercrop, structural elements, depositional facies, reservoir distribution, source...

All Sources (within agglomerations) Noise Contours Lnight Round 1

Data indicating the level of noise according to the strategic noise mapping of consolidated sources (roads, railways, airports and industry) within areas with a population of at least 250,000...

All Sources (within agglomerations) Noise Contours Lden Round 1

Data indicating the level of noise according to the strategic noise mapping of consolidated sources (roads, railways, airports and industry) within areas with a population of at least 250,000...

All Sources (within agglomerations) Noise Contours Lden Round 2

Data indicating the level of noise according to the strategic noise mapping of consolidated sources (roads, railways, airports and industry) within areas with a population of at least 250,000...

All Sources (within agglomerations) Noise Contours Lnight Round 2

Data indicating the level of noise according to the strategic noise mapping of consolidated sources (roads, railways, airports and industry) within areas with a population of at least 100,000...

Source apportionment of nutrient contributions to rivers in England and Wales modelled with SAGIS

Estimates of in-river concentrations (mg/l) and loads (kg/day) of nutrients to rivers in England and Wales from multiple sector sources, modelled with SAGIS (Source Apportionment GIS). The...