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533 results found

Cycle shops and repairs

Provide information about cycle shop and repairs in and around Bristol

Road maintenance and repairs

Annual capital expenditure on road maintenance and repairs on roads within Calderdale.

% of Repairs completed on first visit

% of Repairs completed on first visit

Allerdale Group Repair Grant Land Charge

Group Repair Grant recorded as a Land Charge as a polygon extent.

Allerdale Unfit Repair Notice Land Charge

Unfit Repair Notice - URN recorded as a land Charge and expressed as a polygon extent.

% of all repairs completed on time - (YTD)

% of all repairs completed on time - (YTD)

% of Urgent Repairs completed within Government Timescales

% of Urgent Repairs completed within Government Timescales *This indicator has been discontinued

Repairs and Charges to Leaseholders 2015/16

Details of all repairs carried out to leasehold property blocks and their subsequent charge per property

% of Urgent Gas Repairs completed within Government Timescales

% of Urgent Gas Repairs completed within Government Timescales *This indicator has been discontinued

General Ophthalmic Services: Activity Statistics for England - Repairs

This dataset shows information about NHS ophthalmic activity provided through General Ophthalmic Services (GOS) in England. This dataset relates to vouchers for repairs and replacements From March...

National Vascular Registry 2015 Annual Report - AAA Repair Results

The NVR is the National Vascular Registry. It is a national clinical audit commissioned by the Health Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) to measure the quality of care for patients who undergo...

ONS 2021-based MYE Component of Change LATEST

ONS 2021-based Mid-year Estimates series: Components of Population Change 2011-latest Annual change tables and graphs for Camden

Average number of days to complete all repairs (excluding pre- inspection time) - (YTD)

Average number of days to complete all repairs (excluding pre- inspection time) - (YTD)

% of tenants satisfied with the way their landlord deals with repairs and maintenance generally

% of tenants satisfied with the way their landlord deals with repairs and maintenance generally

% of tenants dissatisfied with the way their landlord deals with repairs and maintenance generally

% of tenants dissatisfied with the way their landlord deals with repairs and maintenance generally

Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) with marine components (all UK waters)

This resource contains boundary, site and feature information for Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) with marine components in UK waters. Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) with "marine...

Special Protection Areas (SPAs) with marine components (all UK waters)

This resource contains boundary, site and feature information for Special Protection Areas (SPAs) with marine components in UK waters. A shapefile and spreadsheet are available for...

All UK Special Protected Areas (SPAs) with marine components

This spreadsheet contains Special Protection Areas (SPAs) with marine components are defined as those sites with qualifying Birds Directive (2009/147/EC) Annex I species or regularly occurring...

All UK Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) with marine components

This spreadsheet contains the most up to date version of boundaries of inshore and offshore SACs with marine components, including sites that straddle the inshore/offshore (territorial seas)...

Building Materials and Components statistics

Provides information on selected building materials and contains monthly data on price indices, bricks, cement and concrete blocks; and quarterly data on sand and gravel, slate, concrete roofing...