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Taxi and private hire vehicle licences

The reports list all vehicles licensed as a taxis/private hire by Cheltenham Borough Council including registration number, make, model and date licensed from and to. Publication of these lists...

Private Housing Stock Ward Factsheets

The City of York Council commissioned the Building Research Establishment in 2015 to undertake a series of data modelling exercises on our private housing stock to produce an integrated stock model...

Permanent Forest Mensuration Sample Plot Network

Permanent forest mensuration sample plots that are re-measured every 5 or 10 years as part of a rolling annual programme. Data is collected from a sample of public and private woodland sites...

Estates Data

Data regarding FSA estates. It covers running costs and space per FTE and workstation. The figures are used to benchmark against other government departments and the private sector. We are able...

Data Losses

The number of incidents and customers affected by losses of data. Updated: monthly.

Finance data

Budget data and tracking of budget spend. Updated: weekly.

Debt data

The amount of tax debt (CT, SA, Employers' PAYE) arising in the year that remains outstanding. Updated: regularly.

Austerity data

Data on savings tracked under the austerity measure. Updated: weekly.

Misuse of Data

The number of staff who are disciplined for mis-use of data. Updated: monthly.

Data Losses

The number of incidents and customers affected by losses of data. Updated: monthly.

Misuse of Data

The number of staff who are disciplined for mis-use of data. Updated: monthly.

Transaction Data

Transaction Data shows how many customer applications we completed in the previous month. We publish 5 different versions of this dataset. They're normally available to download on the 15th day of...

Financial Data

Ofqual's financial data comprises records related to the expenditure of the organisation i.e. purchase orders, payments, accruals, receipts, etc.

Total number of private sector dwellings demolished by your authority or by a third party by your authority

The Housing Strategy Statistical Appendix (HSSA) is a statistical return to support the LA's annual Housing Strategy. It is mainly basic and policy orientated data on all tenures within each local...

HMRC Buildings Property Details

Address and STEPS (Strategic Transfer of the Estate to the Private Sector) codes for all HMRC buildings. Updated: ad hoc.

Change of Work Orders (CWO)

Record of and documentation to show formal requests for change issued to estates Private Finance Initiative (PFI) providers. Updated: as required.

HMRC Buildings Property Details

Address and STEPS (Strategic Transfer of the Estate to the Private Sector) codes for all HMRC STEPS buildings. Updated: ad hoc.

Public and Private Sector Earnings

This analysis looks at differences in average hourly earnings in the public and private sector from 2002-2010 using regression analysis, and considers the difficulties in making comparisons due to...

Statutory Compliance data

Documentation used to record and track compliance to HMRC's statutory requirements on the STEPS (Strategic Transfer of the Estate to the Private Sector) estate. Updated: monthly.

Allerdale Private Street Work Land Charge

Private Street Works recorded as a Land Charge and expressed as a polygon extent.