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214 results found

Work Choice Official Statistics

Work Choice is a specialist disability employment programme which provides employment support to clients who, by reason of disability, cannot be supported through mainstream employment programmes....

Work Choice

Work Choice analytical database, used to publish referrals, starts and job outcomes. The database can be used to obtain various information on a participant, such as age, gender, disability...

National Patient Choice Survey

Monitors patient awareness of choice and recall of having been offered a choice of hospital for their first outputpatient appointment. Source agency: Health Designation: Official Statistics not...

Preferred Industrial Locations

Polygon layer of preferred industrial locations (PIL) mapped as part of the Authority’s Local Development Framework

Secondary School Preferences

This data set shows the number of preferences, for admission to secondary school in September, each school received during the annual cycle school admissions process.

FE Choices: performance indicators

The May 2015 release of employer satisfaction open data contains 2013/14 survey data. Scores by provider can be found in the provider open data csv file. The November 2015 release of learner...

School preferences and offers

This is a statutory return from local authorities giving figures for the number of applications they receive for a place in secondary school, and how many of the offers made were of a preferred...

Secondary School Preferences 2011-2015

Data showing the secondary school preferences in Calderdale for 2011-2015.

Historic preference percentages for admissions rounds

This dataset details the breakdown of preferences allocated their 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th preference for previous admissions rounds - when applications are received for York children starting...

Climate change and transport choices

SPSS dataset containing the anonymised responses from the survey conducted to inform the development of the DfT segmentation model of public attitudes to climate change and transport choices.

Entry Level Scheme (ELS) Directed Option Choice Trial

Evaluating the impacts of limiting free choice in management option selection by Entry Level Stewardship (ELS) applicants

Primary School Preferences and Allocations by School

Number of preferences and allocations for reception class by school in Calderdale primary schools (academies and local authority maintained schools); the data is published annually. [**Other...

NHS England, NHS Choices, Provider Quality Indicators

NHS Choices publishes data that enables members of the public to find the most relevant health provider based on a broad range of criteria, including non-exhaustively: 1) type of provider 2)...

School level data for all preferences in primary admissions rounds

This dataset contains details of all preferences in past primary admissions rounds - that is when applications are received for York children starting primary or infant school in Reception for the...

Colchester Big Choice Grant Fund

Six organisations were selected after thousands of votes were cast by the residents of Colchester between 22 February and 4 March 2016. More information about these grants for 2016/17 is available...

Colchester Big Choice Grant Fund

Six organisations were selected after thousands of votes were cast by the residents of Colchester between 22 February and 4 March 2016. More information about these grants for 2016/17 is available...

School level data for all preferences in secondary admissions rounds

This dataset contains details of all preferences in past secondary admissions rounds - that is when applications are received for York children starting secondary school in Year 7 for the first...

School level data for all preferences in junior admissions rounds

This dataset contains details of all preferences in past junior admissions rounds - that is when applications are received for York children starting junior school in Year 3 for the first time. ...

LP Minerals Area of Preferred Extension to Existing Salt Mine

Area of Preferred Extension to Existing Salt Mine

LP Minerals Area of Preferred Extension to Controlled Brine field

Area of Preferred Extension to Controlled Brine field