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1,495 results found

Sight loss data tool

Statistics on loss of sight and blindness at county and district levels including projections

Losses and Special Payments Register

List of losses and special payments

WWNP Wider Catchment Woodland Potential

This dataset has been produced as part of the Mapping Potential for Working with Natural Processes research project (SC150005). The project created a toolbox of mapped data and methods which enable...

Homelessness assessment (reason for loss of home) - % Violent relationship breakdown

Homelessness assessment (reason for loss of home) - % Violent relationship breakdown

Homelessness assessment (reason for loss of home) - Violent relationship breakdown

Homelessness assessment (reason for loss of home) - Violent relationship breakdown


NI Water Annual Information Return 2019 2020 Table 18c Regulatory Accounts (Historical Cost Accounting) Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses

Seagrass Potential

Summary Seagrass Potential v3 Summary: A majority of the seagrass potential areas are derived from wave and current energy, elevation and salinity criteria. Some 'Additional' areas have been...

Homelessness assessment (reason for loss of home) - Violent relationship breakdown - (YTD)

Homelessness assessment (reason for loss of home) - Violent relationship breakdown - (YTD)

Homelessness assessment (reason for loss of home) - % Violent relationship breakdown - (YTD)

Homelessness assessment (reason for loss of home) - % Violent relationship breakdown - (YTD)

Revenue Losses

The money owed to HMRC that has been written off. Updated: monthly.

Revenue Losses

The money owed to HMRC that has been written off. Updated: monthly.

Working with Natural Processes (WWNP) in Wales: Wider Catchment Woodland Potential

Working with Natural Processes (WWNP) Wider Catchment Woodland Potential is our best estimate of locations where there are slowly permeable soils, where scrub and tree planting may be most...

NI Water Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses 2020 2021

NI Water Annual Information Return 2020 2021 Table 18c Regulatory Account Historical Cost Accounting Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses

Potential Contaminated Land

Any Potential Contamination on Land

Potential Development Sites

Potential Development Sites as identified in Local Plans

NI Water Regulatory Accounts Statement of Total Recognised Gains & Losses 2019 2020

NI Water Annual Information Return - Regulatory Accounts (Historic Cost Accounting) Statement of Total Recognised Gains & Losses 2019 2020


This is an extract of ArcGIS created polygons showing areas of archaeological potential in the borough of Ashford, Kent.

Potentially Contaminated Land

Carlisle City Council Potentially Contaminated Land. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence - INSPIRE

Potential New Open Spaces

Potential new open land resources.

Potentially Violent Persons Database

Details of potentially violent welfare customers