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Tenure of dwellings

The live tables provide the latest, most useful or most popular data, presented by type and other variables, including by geographical area or on a temporal basis. Up to date figures on the number...

GB Counties - Past and Present

Explore the county boundaries of Great Britain throughout time with our counties map. These two datasets of county boundary information have been released as part of Boundary-Line through the...

Rents, lettings and tenancies

There are a large number of Housing spreadsheets that provide the latest, most useful or most popular data, presented by type and other variables, including by geographical area or on a temporal...

Affordable housing supply

There are a large number of Housing spreadsheets that provide the latest, most useful or most popular data, presented by type and other variables, including by geographical area or on a temporal...

Employed persons and method of travel to work by numbers of cars or vans in household

Number of employed persons and method of travel to work by numbers of cars or vans in household. Census Area Statistics Table CAS118 Source: Census 2001 Publisher: Nomis Geographies: Lower Layer...

EUNIS Combined Map: full-coverage EUNIS level 3 layer integrating maps from surveys and broad-scale models - methods document

This document contains methodology for producing the 2019 EUNIS Level 3 Combined Map, version 9_6_6. Additional information source:...

Screening and Confirmatory Methods for New Additions to Maximum Residue Level (MRL) Regulations

Development of screening and confirmatory methods for new additions to Maximum Residue Level (MRL) Regulations

Irish Sea Annual Egg Production Method (AEPM) Plankton Survey - 2000

Between August 6th and September 6th 2000 a series of ichthyoplankton surveys were carried out in the Irish Sea by the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, the Department of...

Irish Sea Annual Egg Production Method (AEPM) Plankton Survey 1995

Between February and May of 1995 a series of plankton surveys were carried out in the Irish Sea by the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, and a number of partner research...

Strava Heat Map

Find out the most popular cycling routes and running routes across North Yorkshire and the world. This is a useful website to show where the most popular cycling and running routes are in your...

Historical oyster habitat and fisheries in English coastal waters

This dataset collates primary and secondary written sources from government, scientific, maritime and popular media accounts that mention the use and presence of the native oyster, Ostrea edulis,...

A systematic review of common measurement methods of global soil protease activity between 1970-2020

The dataset contains global soil protease activities and common methodological parameters (i.e. fluorometric and colorimetric analysis) used to measure soil protease activity between 1970-2020. The...

X-ray Microtomography of Intermittency in Multiphase Flow at Steady State Using a Differential Imaging Method

The images in this dataset are a sample of Bentheimer Sandstone from a micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) scan acquired with a voxel resolution of 6.00µm. We imaged the steady state flow of brine...

Camden Cycle Counters Phase 2

Cycling in Camden is becoming ever more popular with the introduction of safe, convenient and protected routes. There are several cycle counters in Camden which provide counts of cyclists along...

Camden Cycle Counters Phase 2 Map

Cycling in Camden is becoming ever more popular with the introduction of safe, convenient and protected routes. There are several cycle counters in Camden which provide counts of cyclists along...

FSA and Official Controls: Research with Food Business Operators Survey

A mixed methods research study to understand the views and experiences that FBOs have of the FSA and Official Controls. This dataset includes the data gathered from survey interviews conducted with...

Method validation of IC-ICPMS with chlorine removal for phosphite analysis (NERC Grant NE/V010824/1)

Method development for trace-level analyses of phosphite in chloride-rich matrices. Dataset includes linearity data from the ion chromatograph (IC) in stand-alone mode and coupled to the...

Crown Prosecution Service Case Outcomes by Principal Offence Category Data

A monthly breakdown of criminal case outcomes by principal offence category and CPS Area. The method of providing data changed in September 2012, taking into account the new structure of CPS Areas...

Paper File Series

The data provides a list of paper file series originating from the FSA and the number of each held in archive, as well as their function and current owner. Information on electronic file series...

Electronic File Series 2004-2013

The data provides a list of Food Standards electronic file series from 2004-2013, their function and quantity of records preserved from each. The current FSA file plan can be found in the dataset...