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International Waste Shipments exported to England

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA330. International Waste Shipments Records of International shipments permitted under the Transfrontier Shipment of Waste Regulations 2007....

International Waste Shipments from England – indicative

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA414. International Waste Shipments Records of International shipments permitted under the Transfrontier Shipment of Waste Regulations 2007....

International Waste Shipments received from England

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA329. International Waste Shipments Records of International shipments permitted under the Transfrontier Shipment of Waste Regulations 2007....

International Waste Shipments exported from England

Records of International shipments permitted under the Transfrontier Shipment of Waste Regulations 2007. Shipments into or out of the UK qualify as International Waste Shipments. They are...

Transfrontier Shipment (TFS) of Waste and Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) (Wales)

Transfrontier Shipment (TFS) of waste and Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) waste export data (monthly tonnage weights) from Wales to non-UK countries, since November 2014. TFS or International...

International Waste Shipments into England – indicative

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA415. Records of International shipments permitted under the Transfrontier Shipment of Waste Regulations 2007. Shipments into or out of the UK...

Waste Exemptions

This dataset contains a summary of numbers of exemptions by paragraph type and a detailed site list for England. A simple waste registration or exemption is a waste operation that is exempt from...

Waste Sites

Sites for waste management of municipal, commercial and industrial waste as defined in the Waste Development Plan Document adopted 9 December 2009.

Concentrations and antibiotic resistance of faecal indicator organisms and human pathogens associated with sewage waste on Scottish beaches, 2021

The data includes concentrations of faecal indicator organisms isolated from the plastic waste and natural substrates found on Scottish beaches, as well as the antibiotic resistance of selected...

Characterisation, minimum inhibitory concentration, thermotolerance and virulence of Candida isolated from environmental plastic pollution, Scotland, 2023

This dataset contains characterisation data, thermotolerance data, anti-fungal drug resistance data and virulence data of Candida isolates from different types of plastic pollution. Samples were...

Waste Contract

The Transparency Code mandates local authorities to publish details of their existing waste collection contracts. Rochdale Borough Council DOES NOT have a household waste collection contract in place.

North Lincolnshire Council Waste Treatment and Waste Storage

North Lincolnshire Council Waste Treatment and Waste Storage represented as polygons.

North Lincolnshire Council Waste Treatment and Waste Storage

North Lincolnshire Council Waste Treatment and Waste Storage represented as polygons.

Waste disposal

Data on where waste has been disposed of (composting, incinerator, landfill) IMPORTANT CAVEATS: 1) The information provided is Municipal Waste not household waste. 2) HWRC Princes Drive,...

North Lincolnshire Council Waste Treatment and Waste Storage

North Lincolnshire Council Waste Treatment and Waste Storage represented as polygons digitised with reference to Ordnance Survey MasterMap.

Existing Waste Locations

North London Waste Plan - Existing Waste Locations

Waste Permissions

Permitted waste sites / facilities

Waste Contracts

Details of their existing waste collection contracts.

Waste Contracts Register

The Mayor set out his strategic policy framework for the management of London's municipal waste in the London Environment Strategy (LES), published in May 2018. Proposal 7.2.1.b set out the Mayor’s...


SPRI (Scottish Pollution Release Inventory) waste release sites in Scotland