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156 results found

UKCES Employer Skills Survey 2011 [comparable with UKCESS 2011 main report]

The UK Commission’s Employer Skills Survey (UKCESS) is the largest of its kind on the world. It gives a comprehensive and robust picture of skills needs and training investment in UK business....

UKCES Employer Skills Survey 2011 [comparable with UKCESS 2013 main report]

The UK Commission’s Employer Skills Survey (UKCESS) is the largest of its kind on the world. It gives a comprehensive and robust picture of skills needs and training investment in UK business....

Air Quality Management Areas

Air Quality Management Areas (AQMA) in Pembrokeshire. These are areas that have experienced an exceedance of the European Union annual mean Air Quality Objective for nitrogen dioxide of 40...

UK Civil Society Almanac 2017

The UK Civil Society Almanac is now in its 16th edition. It brings together data from charities’ accounts, administrative data and surveys to provide a comprehensive overview of the structure and...

National Hip Fracture Database Anaesthesia Sprint Audit of Practice (ASAP) report 2014

The outcome of hip fracture serves as a key marker of the quality of hospital care across the many disciplines and departments who collaborate before, during and after this operation. However,...

2018 Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) Yealm Bioblitz

On 13/07/18 and 14/07/18 members of the public ranging from experienced taxonomists to school children took part in a 24 hour survey of the wildlife in the Yealm Estuary.

2018 Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) Yealm Bioblitz

On 13/07/18 and 14/07/18 members of the public ranging from experienced taxonomists to school children took part in a 24 hour survey of the wildlife in the Yealm Estuary.

Species point records from 1984 Bishop Scilly Isles Echinus population study

Echinus esculentus is the subject of a small scale commercial fishery in the Isles of Scilly. Collection is by diving during the winter months, and during 1983/84 it is estimated that a total of...

Habitat point records from 1984 Bishop Scilly Isles Echinus population study

Echinus esculentus is the subject of a small scale commercial fishery in the Isles of Scilly. Collection is by diving during the winter months, and during 1983/84 it is estimated that a total of...

GP recorded coronary heart disease rates

A dataset providing GP recorded coronary heart disease.  Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death both in the UK and worldwide. It's responsible for more than 73,000 deaths in...

Life Expectancy by MSOA 2016 to 2020

Life expectancy at birth for males and females for Middle Layer Super Output Area (MSOAs), Leicester: 2016 to 2020The average number of years a person would expect to live based on contemporary...

National Audit of Care at the End of Life: Round Two

The National Audit of Care at the End of Life is a national comparative audit of the quality and outcomes of care experienced by the dying person and those important to them during the last...

National Audit of Care at the End of Life

The National Audit of Care at the End of Life is a national comparative audit of the quality and outcomes of care experienced by the dying person and those important to them during the last...

National Audit of Care at the End of Life: Round Four

The National Audit of Care at the End of Life is a national comparative audit of the quality and outcomes of care experienced by the dying person and those important to them during the last...

Comparative performance of rural water supplies during drought - dataset (NERC grant NE/R000069/1)

Ethiopia experienced severe drought in 2015-16. Many rural communities experienced declines in the performance of their water supply systems. As a result UNICEF commissioned a real-time monitoring...

Life Expectancy

Life expectancy is a summary measure of the all-cause mortality rates in an area in a given period. It shows an estimate of the average number of years a newborn baby would survive if he or she...

National Audit of Care at the End of Life: Mental Health Spotlight Audit

The National Audit of Care at the End of Life is a national comparative audit of the quality and outcomes of care experienced by the dying person and those important to them during the last...

National Audit of Care at the End of Life: Round Three

The National Audit of Care at the End of Life is a national comparative audit of the quality and outcomes of care experienced by the dying person and those important to them during the last...

ID 2007 Income Domain

ID 2007 Income Domain: proportions of population experiencing income deprivation in an area Source: Communities and Local Government (CLG): ID 2007 Publisher: Neighbourhood...

Comparative performance of rural water supplies during drought - dataset (UKRI grant NE/R000069/1) (WITHDRAWN DATASET)

**THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN** Ethiopia experienced severe drought in 2015-16. Many rural communities experienced declines in the performance of their water supply systems. As a result UNICEF...