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Beach replenishment and derived archaeological material

This project takes the form of a desk-based archaeological assessment to examine the relationship between the historic environment and beach replenishment schemes, by exploring the deposition of...

MMO1073 Planned Beneficial Use of Dredged Material Projects Web Feature Service (WFS)

This dataset details the planned beneficial use of dredged material projects in the South marine plan area. These records have been gathered from the MMO 1073 Stakeholder Survey. For up to date...

MMO1073 Planned Beneficial Use of Dredged Material Projects Web Mapping Service (WMS)

This dataset details the planned beneficial use of dredged material projects in the South marine plan area. These records have been gathered from the MMO 1073 Stakeholder Survey. For up to date...

Species point records from 1984-85 Harris lower Torridge estuary littoral survey

In common with all estuaries, that of the Torridge has a wide range of habitat types, ranging from fine, clean sand to pure mud with high organic content. Such diversity of habitats might be...

Habitat point records from 1984-85 Harris lower Torridge estuary littoral survey

In common with all estuaries, that of the Torridge has a wide range of habitat types, ranging from fine, clean sand to pure mud with high organic content. Such diversity of habitats might be...

Topsoil Organic Carbon, Scotland WMS

This dataset is based on the digital (vector) version of the Soils of Scotland 1:250,000 maps and the Land Cover of Scotland 1988. The topsoil carbon percentage in this data set has been computed...

North Sea Organic Carbon in Sediments

Concentration of organic carbon from CHN analysis of sediment samples collected by box core from sites in the North Sea during three Cefas cruises on RV Corystes (Cruise Codes CORY 10/2001, CORY...

Suspended organic matter stocks of Welsh upland rivers in response to organic matter addition (2012-2013)

These data are suspended organic matter stocks of coarse and fine particulate organic matter in eight Welsh upland rivers with contrasting land-use, moorland and exotic conifer, in response to...

Plynlimon research catchments: soil parent materials

Distribution of soil parent materials in the Severn and Wye catchments. These were mapped during the Soil Hydrology Study conducted by JP Bell in 1968-1969: Bell, J.P. (1969). The Soil Hydrology of...

Nottingham's Caves - Archival Material For Digital Register.

Paper records and photos used to create the Nottingham Caves digital register and maps. Includes archival material of the caves known to BGS, around northern and central Nottingham. Data mainly...

Species point records from 1987 University of Dundee Inganess Bay and Wideford Burn sublittoral survey

The grab survey showed that at the time Inganess Bay has very limited, largely wave-induced circulation with the central area of the bay being a depositing area where accumulation of additional...

Habitat point records from 1987 University of Dundee Inganess Bay and Wideford Burn sublittoral survey

The grab survey showed that at the time Inganess Bay has very limited, largely wave-induced circulation with the central area of the bay being a depositing area where accumulation of additional...

EPSRC Project: ORGMEMT - Organic Mixed Matrix Membrane Technologies for Post-Combustion CO2 Capture

The UK Government has set targets for the reduction of CO2 emissions of 80 % by 2050. Post-combustion capture of CO2 from power plants is key if we are to achieve these targets. Post-combustion CO2...

North Sea Organic Carbon and Nitrogen in Sediments

Concentration of organic carbon and organic nitrogen from CHN analysis of sediment samples collected by box core from North Sea sites at North Dogger Bank, Oyster Ground and Sean Gasfield...

Organic pollutants in urban soils of Glasgow, UK

Concentrations of total organic carbon (TOC), total petroleum hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were determined in 84 near-surface soils...

Briefing material and analysis to support published LFS aggregates

Labour Market Outputs

National Forest Estate Forest Plans England 2016

This dataset shows some details of the Forest Plans, in particular their names and approval status. Details on the content of the plans will be published separately with further guidance material...

Perceptions of A levels and GCSEs

Each year Ofqual commissions a survey of public perceptions of A levels and GCSEs in England. The survey covers teachers, parents and students, and addresses confidence in the general examinations...

Geochemical data (NERC grant NE/K005251/1)

Organic and inorganic data extracted from core material spanning over a large area of the Baltic basin (Kostovo-13, Grotlingbo-1, File Haidar-1, Boda Hamn-1, Hamnudden-1, Finngrundet-1, Barstad-2...

Marine Laboratory

Data showing various data collected by Plymouth Marine Laboratory's E1 Data Buoy. The buoy is located about 20 miles south of Plymouth and collects data such as sea temperature, salinity and...