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12,618 results found

Seed production and seedling survival in a stand of Corsican pine in Southern Britain

There is much literature on natural regeneration which emphasizes the importance of good seed year, but few authors consider seed input in terms of the combination of seed quantity (i.e. number of...

Draft Programme for Government Framework 2016-21

On 26 May 2016, the Executive agreed the draft Programme for Government Framework 2016-21. The draft framework contains 14 strategic outcomes which, taken together, set a clear direction of travel...

Quantitative and qualitative data relating to the inhibition of a phosphatase reaction by microcystin on a paper-based analytical device (PAD)

[This dataset is embargoed until October 28, 2025]. This dataset contains information about the development of a paper analytical device for the detection of the microcystin toxin. Water samples...

Quad Service Manpower data

This is a front end to a flat file system containing historical Army, Navy and RAF manpower data from there systems prior to migration to JPA. The system also contains Civilian manpower data from...

Service Manpower Data

This is a front end to a database containing all service personnel recorded on JPA. The system contains snapshots of data from April 2006 to the present. It is used for producing statistics on the...

Rankings of trading estates as to water quality risks from runoff

Large catalog/data-sets of trading estate runoff giving a general picture of trading estate runoff and additional insight into the risk it poses. Summary statistics were calculated for the runoff...

HPI - Trust in neighbours

Health Poverty Index - Root Causes: Levels of social capital: Trust in neighbours Source: Department of Health (DoH), Health Survey for England 2001, Joint Survey Unit of the National Centre for...

Flooding Data in North Hull 2007

The catalog/data-sets was developed in the context of an ecosystem services pilot study with North Hull being the study area . The first part of the catalog/data-sets shows that during the severe...

Species point records from 1982 Jones Menai Strait littoral rock survey

This survey was undertaken as part of a general study of the Menai Strait, commisioned by NCC, required to assist in decisions related to its designation as one of Britain's Marine Nature Reserves....

Habitat point records from 1982 Jones Menai Strait littoral rock survey

This survey was undertaken as part of a general study of the Menai Strait, commisioned by NCC, required to assist in decisions related to its designation as one of Britain's Marine Nature Reserves....

Criminal careers of those born between 1953 and 1988

This statistical bulletin gives the latest comparative results of the criminal history of offenders born in selected weeks in 1953, 1958, 1963, 1968, 1973, 1978, 1983, 1988. The bulletin includes...

Water bodies impacted by pollution from abandoned metal mines

List of water bodies (rivers) with significant failures of environmental quality standards for metals (cadmium, lead, nickel, copper, zinc and/or iron) caused by abandoned metal mines in England....

Coal outcrops

The coal outcrop identifies where an underground coal seam reaches rockhead, indicating coal that may have been worked at some time in the past. Whilst this dataset highlights areas of probable...

MMO1044 predicted life stages and habitat distribution of fish species in the south marine plan area

This data represents the presence and absence of various life stages of fish species and the relative confidence of the probability based on the outputs of statistical modelling. Confidence is...

Species point records from 1991 FRPB Belhaven Bay (Dunbar) survey

The survey details the findings of a survey carried out of the intertidal and subtidal sediment around a long sea outfall in Bellhaven Bay, Dunbar. No major temporal or spatial differences have...

Habitat point records from 1991 FRPB Belhaven Bay (Dunbar) survey

The survey details the findings of a survey carried out of the intertidal and subtidal sediment around a long sea outfall in Bellhaven Bay, Dunbar. No major temporal or spatial differences have...

Species point records from 1988 MNCR Eigg survey

Five sites were investigated during this small opportunistic survey. All sites were within the confines of the Bay of Laig on the north-west coast of Eigg. In all cases the seabed was composed of a...

Habitat point records from 1988 MNCR Eigg survey

Five sites were investigated during this small opportunistic survey. All sites were within the confines of the Bay of Laig on the north-west coast of Eigg. In all cases the seabed was composed of a...

Species point records from 1980 OPRU Lundy littoral rock & caves survey

Field studies carried out in 1980 provide records of shore communities from five open-shore sites and six caves or pairs of caves at Lundy. The species present are listed with notes on their...

Habitat point records from 1980 OPRU Lundy littoral rock & caves survey

Field studies carried out in 1980 provide records of shore communities from five open-shore sites and six caves or pairs of caves at Lundy. The species present are listed with notes on their...