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529 results found

Child Maintenance Service Statistics

This publication contains information on cases being processed by the 2012 statutory child maintenance scheme, delivered by the Child Maintenance...

Child Maintenance Appeals

The Appeals Tracking System is a small system used to assist the tracking of child maintenance appeals, Advanced Departures and Advanced Variations. Decision Appeals - Only specific decisions may...

1:50,000 Land Capability for Agriculture WMS. (Land capability for agriculture, partial cover)

This service is the digital (vector) version of the Land Capability for Agriculture of Scotland 1:50,000 maps. Also known as "Land capability for agriculture (partial cover)". Refer to the datasets...

Proposed maintenance schemes

Map layer showing locations of proposed maintenance schemes on the adopted highway.

Allerdale Grounds Maintenance Data

Grounds Maintenance Ares recorded as polygon extents to show areas to be maintained by Allerdale Contractors for grass cutting, shrub and flower horticulture maintenance.

Culvert maintenance

Effective, well maintained grids and inlets to culverts are an essential flood prevention measure. The Flood Risk Management section implements a maintenance schedule, clearing grids of debris at...

Child Maintenance Debt Management

These are systems in which support the collection of child maintenance arrears, debt enforcement activity and/or offences against Child Maintenance legislation. Investigations - where an...

Work Capability Assessment Cohort Database

The Work Capability Assessment (WCA) Cohort Database gives a complete picture of Employment Support Allowance (ESA) claimants as they go through the initial WCA(s), including any associated...

Road maintenance and repairs

Annual capital expenditure on road maintenance and repairs on roads within Calderdale.

1:50,000 Land Capability for Agriculture

The Land Capability Classification for Agriculture has as its objective the presentation of detailed information on soil, climate and relief in a form which will be of value to land use planners,...

Maintenance Point

A feature which has a point geometry and provides information about whether the road is maintained at public expense by a national or local highway authority, a road authority or is maintained by...

Maintenance Line

A feature which has a line / curve geometry and provides information about whether the road is maintained at public expense by a national or local highway authority, a road authority or is...

Maintenance Area

A feature which has a closed (area) geometry and provides information about whether the road is maintained at public expense by a national or local highway authority, a road authority or is...

Land Capability for Forestry, Scotland

The main use of the Land Capability Classification for Forestry is as an aid to decision-making at broad planning levels, as a guide for land managers and as a statement of the natural resources of...

Bracknell Forest Winter Maintenance Map

Bracknell Forest Winter Maintenance Map

Allerdale Land Maintenance Land Charge

Land Maintenance Notices recorded as a Land Charge expressed as a polygon extent.

Employment and Support Allowance: Work Capability Assessment Statistical Release

Cohort based and in-month statistics of outcomes for the Employment and Support Allowance Work Capability...

Ansa Grounds Maintenance Site Boundaries

Simplified form of the Ansa Grounds Maintenance layer, which indicates the boundaries of land that Ansa maintains on behalf of Cheshire East Council

Enforcement and Operator Maintenance files

Court papers and/or warning letters reference offences detected with relevant correspondence from alleged offender(s) & Prohibition Goods 9/Prohibition Goods 10 notices & Maintenance...

1:250,000 Land Capability for Agriculture WMS

This service is the digital (vector) version of the Land Capability for Agriculture of Scotland 1:250,000 maps. Refer to the datasets for more information.