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373 results found

Department for Chlidren, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills (December 2015) Names and Codes in WA

This file contains names and codes for the Department for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills (DCELLS) areas in Wales as at 31 December 2015.  (File Size - 1 KB)

UA to Department for Children Education Lifelong Learning Skills (Dec 2022) Lookup in WA

A lookup file between unitary authorities and Department for Children Education Lifelong Learning and Skills areas in Wales as at 31st December 2022.  (File Size - 16 KB)Field  Names - UA22CD,...

UA to Department for Children Education Lifelong Learning Skills (Dec 2023) Lookup in WA

A lookup file between unitary authorities and Department for Children Education Lifelong Learning and Skills areas in Wales as at 31st December 2023.  (File Size - 16 KB)Field  Names - UA23CD,...

UA to Department for Children Education Lifelong Learning Skills (Dec 2024) Lookup in WA

A lookup file between unitary authorities and Department for Children Education Lifelong Learning and Skills areas in Wales as at 31st December 2024.  (File Size - 16 KB)Field  Names - UA24CD,...

UA to Department for Children Education Lifelong Learning Skills (Dec 2018) Lookup in WA

A lookup file between unitary authorities and Department for Children Education Lifelong Learning and Skills areas in Wales as at 31 December 2018.  (File Size - 16 KB)Field  Names - UA18CD,...

UA to Department for Children Education Lifelong Learning Skills (Dec 2017) Lookup in WA

A lookup file between unitary authorities and Department for Children Education Lifelong Learning and Skills areas in Wales as at 31 December 2017.  (File Size - 16 KB)Field  Names - UA17CD,...

UA to Department for Children Education Lifelong Learning Skills (Dec 2019) Lookup in WA

A lookup file between unitary authorities and Department for Children Education Lifelong Learning and Skills areas in Wales as at 31 December 2019.  (File Size - 16 KB)Field  Names - UA19CD,...

UA to Department for Children Education Lifelong Learning Skills (Dec 2021) Lookup in WA

A lookup file between unitary authorities and Department for Children Education Lifelong Learning and Skills areas in Wales as at 31 December 2021.  (File Size - 12 KB)Field  Names - UA21CD,...

UA to Department for Children Education Lifelong Learning Skills (Dec 2020) Lookup in WA

A lookup file between unitary authorities and Department for Children Education Lifelong Learning and Skills areas in Wales as at 31 December 2020.  (File Size - 16 KB)Field  Names - UA20CD,...

Department for Children Education Lifelong Learning and Skills (December 2015) Full Clipped Boundaries in Wales

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Department for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills (DCELL) in Wales as at December 2015. The boundaries available are:Full...

Department for Children Education Lifelong Learning and Skills (December 2015) Generalised Clipped Boundaries in Wales

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Department for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills (DCELL) in Wales as at December 2015. The boundaries available are:Full...

Department for Children Education Lifelong Learning and Skills (December 2015) Full Extent Boundaries in Wales

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Department for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills (DCELL) in Wales as at December 2015. The boundaries available are:Full...

Department for Children Education Lifelong Learning and Skills (December 2015) Ultra Generalised Clipped Boundaries in Wales

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Department for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills (DCELL) in Wales as at December 2015. The boundaries available are:Full...

Department for Children Education Lifelong Learning and Skills (December 2015) Super Generalised Clipped Boundaries in Wales

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Department for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills (DCELL) in Wales as at December 2015. The boundaries available are:Full...

Civil Service Learning

Learning records for all staff who undertaken eLearning or attend class room courses on CSL


A list of all non regulated learning aims which the Skills Funding Agency has approved for public funding in Community Learning for 2013/14. One applies to new learners. A separate list applies...

Learning Aim Reference Application

Learning Aim Reference Application (LARA) was the learning aims search for 2011 to 2014 for learning aims recognised by the Education Funding Agency and the Skills Funding Agency, both funded and...

Further Education, Work-Based Learning, Train to Gain and Safeguarded Learning

Presents early year estimates of the number of learners in post-16 education and training in England funded by the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) who were in learning in October 2007. Source...

Camden Learning Disabilities Profile

This public health intelligence profile provides an overview of the Camden population with learning disability. It summarises the frequency of learning disability and compares health indicators...

Community Learning in England

Community Learning includes a range of community based and outreach learning opportunities, primarily managed and delivered by local authorities and General Further Education Colleges designed to...