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157 results found

Electron probe analyses of plagioclase macrocrysts from the 2021 eruption of the Fagradalsfall volcano in Iceland (NERC Grant NE/W004690/1)

lectron probe analyses of the composition of plagioclase macocrysts from the 2021 eruption of the Fagradalsfjall eruption in Iceland. These were collected in profiles from rim-to-core and were...

Orogenic Plateau Magmatism (NERC grant NE/H021620/1)

This dataset contains major element, trace element and isotopic analyses for samples collected during the NERC project "Orogenic Plateau Magmatism" (NE/H021620/1) (2011-2014). Samples are late...

Laboratory Methane Hydrate Formation and Dissociation in Berea (NERC grant NE/J020753/1)

Data for the figures in the manuscript: S. K. Sahoo, H. Marin-Moreno, L. J. North, I. Falco-Suarez,B. N. Madhusudhan, A. I. Best and T. A. Minshull (2018).Presence and consequences of co-existing...

1953-1963 Wells and Carlisle Plymouth and Solent Marine Strategy Framework Directive Styela clava records

This dataset has been digitised from an article (Wells R (1987) Solent Aliens. Hampshire and Isle of Wight Naturalists Trust Newsletter, April 1987) detailing the potential vectors of introduction...

1953-1963 Wells and Carlisle Plymouth and Solent Marine Strategy Framework Directive Styela clava records

This dataset has been digitised from an article (Wells R (1987) Solent Aliens. Hampshire and Isle of Wight Naturalists Trust Newsletter, April 1987) detailing the potential vectors of introduction...

UKCCSRC Call 2 Project C2-204 data: Using oxygen isotopes to quantitatively assess residual CO2 saturation during the CO2CRC Otway Stage 2B Extension residual saturation test data set

This is the dataset to accompany the International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control manuscript entitled: Using oxygen isotopes to quantitatively assess residual CO2 saturation during the CO2CRC...

Computer modelling of mackinawite FeS in aqueous environment (NERC grant NE/J010626/1)

This dataset contains data from two publications investigating mackinawite FeS in an aqueous environment. The first includes the derivation and validation of the force field parameters necessary to...

Dynamic X-ray micro-tomography Imaging of reaction of CO2-acidified brine with limestone at reservoir conditions

This dataset contains 10 three dimensional x-ray tomographic images of CO2-acidified brine reacting with Ketton limestone at a voxel size of 3.8 microns. It includes the unreconstructed projections...

Mechanical and microstructural analysis of synthetic quartz-cemented sandstones- data (NERC Grant NE/L002469/1)

P* data obtained through hydrostatic loading experiments, using triaxial experimental apparatus, as well as yield curve data obtained through differential loading tests, prior to the discovery of...

Rapid dynamics in the Earth's core (NERC grant NE/I012052/1)

Published Papers: 1) Brown, W.J., Mound, J.E. \& Livermore, P.W., (2013) Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, Vol 223, pp 62-76 Jerks abound: an analysis of geomagnetic observatory...

Multiple calibrated laboratory images of experiments to determine leakage rates through faults and geological heterogeneities (NERC Grant NE/N016084/1)

Multiple calibrated laboratory images of experiments to determine leakage rates through faults and geological heterogeneities. Two sequences of images, and associated movie (avi file) depicting...

Benthic Genera Presence and Absence in the North Sea from 1990 to 2011

Distribution data for benthic genera in the North Sea, covering a 22-year timespan from 1990 to 2011. This data accompanies the manuscript “Capturing threshold responses of marine benthos along...

Benthic Genera Presence and Absence in the North Sea from 1990 to 2011

Distribution data for benthic genera in the North Sea, covering a 22-year timespan from 1990 to 2011. This data accompanies the manuscript “Capturing threshold responses of marine benthos along...

Fracture interaction data supporting Thomas et al. 2017. Quantification of fracture interaction using stress intensity factor variation maps. JGR: Solid Earth (NERC grant NE/L000660/1)

Data supporting the publication: Robin N. Thomas, Adriana Paluszny, Robert W. Zimmerman, 2017. Quantification of fracture interaction using stress intensity factor variation maps. Journal of...

Seismic Catalog for Corbetti Volcano, Ethiopia (NERC grant NE/L013932/1)

This dataset contains the locations and other pertinent information for 122 well-constrained seismic events that occurred on or near Corbetti between February 2016 and September 2017. These...

Published results on the Hydrate Bearing Effective Sediment (HBES) rock physics model (NERC Grant NE/J020753/1)

This excel spreadsheet contains P-wave and S-wave velocity and attenuation data calculated with a novel rock physics model for hydrate bearing sediments. The model has been published in:...

Summary data on the outcomes of invasive alien species control interventions from published literature

This dataset comprises summary data for a literature search on invasive alien species (IAS) control efficacy and their outcomes. It contains article title, authors, journal, year of publication,...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project paper: Carbon dioxide storage in the Captain Sandstone aquifer: determination of in situ stresses and fault-stability analysis

Peer reviewed paper published in the journal Petroleum Geoscience - the paper describes work carried-out on behalf of the 'Fault seal controls on CO2 storage capacity in aquifers' project funded by...

Carbonate weathering data from reactor experiments under a range of CO2 partial pressures (NERC Grant NE/P019730/2)

The data deposit includes results from 12 experiments that reacted carbon dioxide, seawater and limestone as a method of CO2 sequestration (as xlsx files). The data were obtained by Dr Huw Pullin,...

UK National Site Network (SAC and SPA): site summary details spreadsheet

This spreadsheet contains the latest UK-wide data gathered as part of the Standard Data Form (SDF) information completed for all sites in the UK National Site Network. It contains details of all...