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390 results found

Competition Commission External Spending Data 2013-2014

Competition Commission monthly external expenditure April 2013 to March 2014

Intensive home care

The number of households receiving intensive home care (More than 10 contact hours and 6 or more visits during the week) during the sample week. Source: CSCI Performance Assessment Framework...

Competition Commission External Spending Data 2012-13

Competition Commission external expenditure on a monthly basis from April 2012 to March 2013

Scottish Intensive Care Society Audit Group

Annual report from the Scottish Intensive Care Society Audit Group (SICSAG) looking at activity and outcomes of care in Scottish intensive care and high dependency units. Report has been...

Regional competitiveness and State of the Regions

Presents statistical information that illustrated the factors that contributed to regional competitiveness. Source agency: Business, Innovation and Skills Designation: National...

Competition Commission Salaries data as at 30 September 2012

Competition Commission Salaries @ 30/09/2012

FCA: Secondary international competitiveness and growth objective (SICGO) metrics

The Financial Services and Markets Act (FSMA) 2023 introduced new, secondary objectives for the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) to facilitate the...

High accuracy line intensity data for carbon dioxide

High accuracy line intensity for carbon dioxide project was NERC (Natural Environment Research Council) funded. The aim of the project was to provide an accurate theoretical solution to the problem...

High accuracy line intensity data for carbon dioxide

High accuracy line intensity for carbon dioxide project was NERC (Natural Environment Research Council) funded. The aim of the project was to provide an accurate theoretical solution to the problem...

% Adult participation in 30 minutes, moderate intensity sport

% Adult participation in 30 minutes, moderate intensity sport *This indicator has been discontinued.

Competition Statistics

MACC - Annual Statistics from MACC online Application

2016 Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) Looe Festival Crabbing Competition

Survey of crabs caught and re-caught during a crabbing competition. The aim was to find out how many crabs are re-caught, using lipstick (make-up) as a temporary marker.

2016 Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) Looe Festival Crabbing Competition

Survey of crabs caught and re-caught during a crabbing competition. The aim was to find out how many crabs are re-caught, using lipstick (make-up) as a temporary marker.

Intensive Fostering

Finance, Consultation, Data, Case Studies, Evaluation, MFTC Training, MFTC Articles & Papers

UK Inshore Fishing Activities Intensity - Geographic Information System Data Layer 2011-2012

Cefas, UK, 2010-2012. ArcGIS layer showing Inshore Fishing Activity Intensity as determined from fishing vessel sightings.

UK Inshore Fishing Activities Intensity - Geographic Information System Data Layer 2011-2012

Cefas, UK, 2010-2012. ArcGIS layer showing Inshore Fishing Activity Intensity as determined from fishing vessel sightings.

Nitrous oxide fluxes from an intensively managed grazed grassland in Scotland

This data set contains terrestrial fluxes of N2O from an intensively managed grazed grassland in Scotland measured using eddy covariance and chamber methods . The effect of a tillage event and two...

% of adults (aged 19+) that are physically inactive (<30 moderate intensity equivalent minutes per week)

% of adults (aged 19+) that are physically inactive (<30 moderate intensity equivalent minutes per week)

% of adults (aged 16+) that are physically active (150+ moderate intensity equivalent minutes per week, excl. gardening)

% of adults (aged 16+) that are physically active (150+ moderate intensity equivalent minutes per week, excl. gardening)

% of adults (aged 19+) that meet CMO recommendations for physical activity (150+ moderate intensity equivalent minutes per week)

% of adults (aged 19+) that meet CMO recommendations for physical activity (150+ moderate intensity equivalent minutes per week)