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Land Management Initiatives (England)

Individual Land Management Initiative boundaries. The aim of the LMI programmes was to research and demonstrate innovative practical solutions that would maintain viable farm businesses, while...

Initial teacher training allocations

This release lists training places for academic year 2013 to 2014 allocated to schools and training providers at 1 August 2013. Source agency: Education Designation: Official Statistics not...

Initial Teacher Training Performance Profiles

Data about initial teacher training: trainees, programmes and providers

Customs 2013 EU initiative data

Data on Customs 2013 initiative requested by EU. Updated: quarterly / annually.

Customs 2013 EU initiative data

Data on Customs 2013 initiative requested by EU. Updated: quarterly / annually.

EFA Payments

Details of payments made by EFA, covering BACS and CHAPS payments over £25,000 and GPC payments over £500.

Online payments

This dataset shows the actual number and value of payments received by Leeds City Council through online means and telephone calls. Heading meanings ---------------- * Internet: electronic...

Initial Teacher Training Trainee Number Census

Recruitment data about initial teacher training in England

Initial teacher education: inspections and outcomes

Official statistics for initial teacher education provision in England.

Number of Early Help Assessments initiated

Number of Early Help Assessments initiated *This indicator has been discontinued

5 Day Payment Target; Better Payment Practice Code (BPPC)

The NHS Information Centre 5 Day Payment Target; Better Payment Practice Code (BPPC) This information shows the Additional Monitor Returns Report - (Prompt payment Analysis of duration between...

Lichfield District Council Central Rivers Initiative

The Central Rivers Initiative of Lichfield District Council. Captured as polygons against open source base mapping. All data released is open source with all restricted data removed.

Payment performance

The payment performance dataset relates to Ofwat's invoices and how quickly they are paid

Prompt Payment Data

Payments made within 30 days of Invoice Date. Details of Interest Charges due to late payment if applied.

Private Finance Initiative (PFI) provider Monthly Report

Monthly report covering performance of Private Finance Initiative (PFI) provider's estate management services.

Payments to Suppliers

Payments to suppliers with a value over £500 (excluding benefit payments and employee pay).  This information is published as part of the Local Government Transparency Code.

Prompt Payment Performance

Under the Government's Prompt Payment Policy, it is now a requirement for public sector bodies including local authorities to publish annual payment performance data. This consists of; Percentage...

Detail of council payments to the 3rd sector

This report and accompanying datasets aim to give an initial overview of the scale and nature of the council’s payments to, and business with, the 3rd sector (also known as the voluntary, community...

Payments to Councillors

Although councillors are volunteers and unpaid, they do receive payments (set by an independent review body) to help meet the costs of representing their communities. Details of payments made are...

Central government workforce initial release

An initial estimate of the numbers of consultants, contractors and agency staff working in central Government departments, their agencies and NDPBs. This is the result of a Cabinet Office scoping...