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10,111 results found

Delegated Decisions

Decisions taken by Cabinet members or Officers on behalf of the Council

Planning Decisions

This data show all planning decisions made in Plymouth from 1979 - 2015. It includes the type of application, the planning application number and link to detailed application.

Other annual planning decisions

Planning authorities' planning applications and decisions, type of authority, speed of decision, type and size of development, enforcement action, regulation 3 and 4 consents, applications for...

Customer Disputes Overpayment Decision

Customer level data - identifying where the customer has appealed against the overpayment decision and stopped recovery action pending the appeal result. Location: GB wide data Time Period: 14...

Annual major planning decisions

District planning authorities - Planning decisions, by development type, speed of decision and authority.

Annual minor planning decisions

District planning authorities - Planning decisions, by development type, speed of decision and authority.

Other Quarterly planning decisions

District planning authorities - Planning decisions, by development type, speed of decision and authority

Quarterly major planning decisions

District planning authorities - Planning decisions, by development type, speed of decision and authority.

Quarterly minor planning decisions

District planning authorities - Planning decisions, by development type, speed of decision and authority.

Listings and Decisions

Details of upcoming VT hearings in England and Wales and details of decisions issued as a result of these hearings

Quarterly major residential planning decisions

Planning authorities' planning applications and decisions, type of authority, speed of decision, type and size of development, enforcement action, regulation 3 and 4 consents, applications for...

Quarterly minor residential planning decisions

Planning authorities' planning applications and decisions, type of authority, speed of decision, type and size of development, enforcement action, regulation 3 and 4 consents, applications for...

Overpayments Decisions Calculations & Appeals database

Customer level data via the Overpayment, Decisions, Calculations and Appeals process that have lodged an appeal or requested a reconsideration. Location: GB wide data Time Period: 14 months...

Record of Decisions - officers

Decisions made in the Colchester Borough

Record of Decisions - officers

Decisions made in the Colchester Borough

Decisions of the council

The most recent 15 decisions made by the Cabinet, an individual Member of the Cabinet, a Committee of the Cabinet, or under joint arrangements.

Democratic process - Council representatives, Council bodies, committee minutes, decision making processes and records of decisions

Democratic process - Council representatives, Council bodies, committee minutes, decision making processes and records of decisions

Homelessness Decisions , England, District

Decisions on whether a household is homeless and in priority need. The term "Homelessness" is often considered to apply only to people "sleeping rough". However, most of our statistics on...

Annual minor residential planning decisions

District planning authorities - Planning decisions on Major and Minor residential development by authority.

Annual major residential planning decisions

District planning authorities - Planning decisions on Major and Minor residential development by authority.