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2,096 results found

Low Carbon Van Survey

Results of a survey of Low Carbon Vans Source agency: Transport Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Low Carbon Van Survey

Low Emission Bus Zones

Low Emission Bus Zones use buses with top-of-the-range engines and exhaust systems that meet or exceed the highest Euro VI emissions standards. The zones have been prioritised in the worst air...

Ultra Low Emission Zone

showing boundary of new ultra low emission charge zone in Lambeth

Development Low Risk Area

The Development Low Risk Area is the part of the coal mining reporting area which contains no recorded coal mining legacy risks to the surface. New development within this defined area is subject...

Children in low income families

HM Revenue and Customs and the Department for Work and Pensions have published new Official experimental statistics called "[Children in low income families: local area statistics 2014/15 to...

Low Emission Neighbourhoods

A Low Emission Neighbourhood (LEN) is an area-based scheme that includes a package of measures focused on reducing emissions (and promoting sustainable living more generally). A LEN is delivered by...

Low Emission Zone

The Londonwide Low Emission Zone (LEZ) was launched in February 2008. The LEZ operates to encourage the most polluting heavy (including buses, coaches, lorries and other specialist vehicles) diesel...

Dudley Stamp Mean Low Water

Mean Low Water line, captured from historical maps Attribution statement: © Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right [year].

% of ultra-low emission Buses (ULEB) operating in York (Electric and Hybrid) - (low emission Buses before 2022/23)

% of ultra-low emission Buses (ULEB) operating in York (Electric and Hybrid) - (low emission Buses before 2022/23) There are set definitions for Low Emission Buses (LEB), Ultra-Low Emission...

Ultra Low Emissions Zone 2019

The central London Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) was introduced to clean up London’s most polluted air. It started on 8 April 2019, operates in the existing central London Congestion Charge Zone,...

Low Cost/Free Computer Access

Location of Low-cost or free computer access. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence - INSPIRE.

Children in low income families

### About the dataset This dataset uses information from the DWP benefit system to provide estimates of children living in poverty for wards in London. In order to be counted in this dataset, a...

Children in Low Income Families

This dataset shows official annual experimental statistics for numbers and percentages of Children age under 16 living in Relative and Absolute low income families, by Local Authority District and...

Children in low income families

The number of children who lived in households where a parent or guardian claims an out-of-work...

Low Emission Zones - Scotland

Low Emission Zones (LEZs) are designed to improve air quality and were introduced across Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh and Glasgow. Planning continues at a national and local authority level. Local...

Coal Development Low Risk Area

The Development Low Risk area is an area where our records do not indicate the presence of coal mining features at surface or shallow depth which may pose a risk to surface stability or public...

Low birth weight live births

This dataset contains counts of low birth weight (less than 2500 grams) live births occurring in the calendar year in England and Wales to mothers usually resident in England and Wales. Source:...

London Wide Ultra Low Emission Zone 2023

The Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) boundary expanded across all London boroughs on 29 August 2023 to help clear London’s air. Vehicles driving across London must meet the ULEZ emission standards,...

The Groves - Low Traffic Neighbourhood Trial

In June 2020, the decision was taken to implement a low traffic neighbourhood trial in The Groves. For more information on the trial please visit [__City of York Council's...

Inner Ultra Low Emissions Zone Expansion 2021

The Ultra Low Emission Zone will be expanded from the 25 October 2021 to include the area up to the North and South circular roads (from the Congestion Zone). ULEZ was introduced to clean up...