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OS Cities Data

Great Britain's (England, Scotland, Wales) cities (e.g. London, Birmingham, Edinburgh) named and represented as point features with an indicative bounding box. This data is often used for...

Cereals Usage by Oatmeal Millers in the UK

Presents data on UK Cereals Usage by Oatmeal Miller. Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Cereals Usage by...

3D Reservoir Models of the Endurance proposed CCS storage site in the UK incorporating the upscaled impact of capillary heterogeneity

Rock heterogeneity can lead to the variation of capillary pressure within a reservoir, also termed ‘capillary heterogeneity’. Research has found that this capillary heterogeneity can lead to...

EX46 Credibility Check data

Data from EX46 returns on establishing alcohol and tobacco traders activities and revenue liabilities. Updated: ad hoc. Data coverage: 2001/02, 2002/03, 2003/04, 2004/05, 2005/06, 2006/07, 2007/08,...

Staff joiners and leavers data

Staffing details for joiners and leavers in HMRC. Updated: annually.

EX46 Credibility Check data

Data from EX46 returns on establishing alcohol and tobacco traders activities and revenue liabilities. Updated: ad hoc. Data coverage: 2001/02, 2002/03, 2003/04, 2004/05, 2005/06, 2006/07, 2007/08,...

Customer Data Management System

Customer names, addresses, services delivered, interactions etc.

Performance Bonuses Data - TSol

In-year and end of year one-off non-consolidated performance bonuses were awarded in 2010/11 to: - Members of the Senior Civil Service (SCS) - Group 1 performers (top 25%) - Departmental staff...

Other Species Conditions Data

Conditions data in species other than cattle, poultry, pigs and sheep & goats, collected by Food Standards Agency staff at approved meat establishments as a percentage of throughput. The data...

Request for information (requisition) data

This dataset shows: * the 500 customers that send the most applications to us * the number and type of applications we receive and complete * how many requests for information we send to...

Enforcement Data - Enforcement Reports

Volumes of formal enforcement undertaken by the Food Standards Agency. This is shown as the number of breaches against each piece of legislation by Month.

HMRC prompt payment data

HMRC’s percentage of invoices paid within 5 days and within 30 days of receipt. The data is in yearly quarters. The data also covers: Valuation Office Agency (VOA) Revenue and Customs...

Cereals Usage by Millers, Brewers and Maltsters

This statistical release is an amalgamation of the statistical releases: Brewers, Distillers and Maltsters Usage and Stocks, Cereals Usage by Oatmeal Millers in the UK and Wheat Milled and Flour...

NCA Organogram Data June 2022

Organogram Data for the NCA as of 30 June 2022.

NCA Organogram Data March 2022

Organogram Data for the NCA as of 31st March 2022.

Crown Prosecution Service website data

This dataset includes data about the visits to - and cost of - the CPS website, There is also data about website survey respondents' experience of using the site.

Social media search stream data

The FSA Communications team tracked online and social data streams for pre-determined search topics, to capture data sets.

Gift Aid Economic Research Data

Survey data used in 'Gift Aid Donor Research'. Updated: one off. Data coverage: 2009/10

Gambling Accounting Centre data (GAC)

Betting, gaming and lottery duties returns. Updated: regularly.

Customs 2013 EU initiative data

Data on Customs 2013 initiative requested by EU. Updated: quarterly / annually.