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1,592 results found

NI 195a - Improved street and environmental cleanliness - levels of litter, detritus combined

The indicator is reported as four parts for each element of environmental and street cleanliness (1.) Litter, (2.) Detritus, (3.) Fly-posting, and (4.) Graffiti.

Highway Route Improvement Safeguarding (Indicative)

Indicative area safeguarding for highway improvement routes within Nottingham City.

Allerdale Improvement Notice Land Charge

Improvement Notices recorded as Land Charge and expressed as a polygone extent.

Proposed Improvements to TfL Road Network

Proposed Improvements to the TfL Road Network

London Plan Business Improvement Districts

A Business Improvement District (BID) is a defined area within which local businesses are required to pay an additional levy. The collected tax will be invested locally to fund projects within the...

Database of BAC levels in road fatalities

Coroners data. The existing database provides information on the blood alcohol concentrations (BACs) of road traffic accident fatalities.

Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Quarterly Dataset Reports

The Improving Access Psychological Therapies (IAPT) data set is a regular return of data generated by providers of IAPT services in the course of delivering these services to patients. The data...

Monthly Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Data Quality Reports

The Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) data set is a regular return of data generated by providers of NHS-commissioned IAPT services in England (including services provided by...

Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Key Performance Indicators

The Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) programme is designed to support the NHS in delivering by 2014/2015: Evidence-based psychological therapies, as approved by the National...

College Notice to Improve Correspondence

College Notice to Improve Correspondence

Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT): Referrals to IAPT Services by CCG

The Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) dataset is a regular return of data generated by providers of NHS-commissioned IAPT services in England (including services provided by...

Unlinked Anonymous Monitoring Survey of blood borne viruses in Injecting Drug Users

Unlinked Anonymous Monitoring Survey of blood borne viruses in Injecting Drug Users

Improving Public Engagement Survey January 2016

Improving Public Engagement (closed 20 January 2016) Our Corporate and Scrutiny Management Committee reviewed the potential for improving public engagement, the take up of services through...

Service Improvement Plans at Harrogate Borough Council

Service Improvement Plans at Harrogate Borough Council - including departmental service improvement plans

Corporate Improvement Framework Consultation 2024/25

This is the results of the Corporate Improvement Framework consultation with residents, partners, businesses and elected members. This is the start of our continuous improvement journey as we set...

School Ofsted Rating - Secondary: Requires improvement -%

School Ofsted Rating - Secondary: Requires improvement -%

School Ofsted Rating - Primary: Requires improvement -%

School Ofsted Rating - Primary: Requires improvement -%

School Ofsted Rating - Overall: Requires improvement -%

School Ofsted Rating - Overall: Requires improvement -%

Improved methodology for producing estimates of adult educational attainment from Labour Force Survey data

A final report on statistical research into measuring adult educational attainment using the Labour Force Survey. Source agency: Business, Innovation and Skills Designation: Supporting...

NI 195 - Improved street and environmental cleanliness (levels of litter detritus graffiti and fly-posting)

The indicator is reported as four parts, one for each element of environmental and street cleanliness: NI195 (a) Litter, (b) Detritus, (c) Graffiti, (d) Fly-posting.