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Model simulations of pathogen dissemination in four European bivalve production areas

Hydrodynamic models were constructed for four mollusc shellfish production sites which represented a range of bathymetry and climatic conditions: Dungarven Bay (Republic of Ireland), Bay of Brest...

Joule II Project Paper: The Joule II project the underground disposal of carbon dioxide

In January 1993, as part of the Joule II Non-nuclear Energy Research Programme, the European Commission initiated a two year study of the potential for the disposal of industrial quantifies of...

Joule II Project Paper: An overview of the Joule II project 'The underground disposal of carbon dioxide'

In January 1993, as part of the Joule II Non-nuclear Energy Research Programme, the European Commission initiated a two year study of the potential for the disposal of industrial quantifies of...

Ichthyoplankton Analysis Data from the UK's Western Coastal Shelf 2016

Ichthyoplankton abundance data (fish eggs and larvae) to study the Spatial abundance of the species in 2016 from the western approaches of the Celtic sea in the region between 48 degrees N and...

North Atlantic Ocean Weather Ship (OWS) Surface Meteorological Data (1945-1983)

This data set comprises a variety of meteorological parameters measured every three hours (some more recent data are at hourly intervals) at the ten North Atlantic Ocean Weather Ships for the...

Data from the Sinemurian-Pliensbachian boundary charcoal, clay, c-isotopes and palynofacies, Mochras core, NW Wales, UK

This dataset spans the Sinemurian-Pliensbachian boundary of the Llanbedr (Mochras Farm) drill core that was drilled onshore in the Cardigan Bay Basin, Wales, UK. This dataset contains 1. Micro-,...

Aa Indices.

The aa index is a simple global geomagnetic activity index, with units of 1 nT (nanotesla), which is produced from the K indices from two approximately antipodal observatories. At present these are...

Mediterranean-Alpine Experiment (MEDALPEX) Sea Level Data Set (1981-1982)

The Mediterranean-Alpine Experiment (MEDALPEX) data set comprises over 200,000 hourly sea level measurements. Data are included from 28 sites around the northern coast of the Mediterranean and one...

Modelling the Predicted Spread of a Carpet Sea Squirt ( Didemnum vexillum ) around the Welsh Coast (2011)

Didemnum vexillum is an invasive sea squirt that is not native to UK shores. It was first detected in Europe in 1991 and has since spread to several countries (including France, Ireland and the...

The International Communications Market Report

This annual report provides comparative international data on the communications sector. The aim of the report is to benchmark the UK communications sector against a range of comparator countries...

Core Flood Experiments on carbonate rocks

Grant: ACT ELEGANCY, Project No 271498. Medical CT scans for drainage multiphase flow through carbonate rock cores. The steady state drainage multiphase flow at elevated pressure using nitrogen and...

GESLA (Global Extreme Sea Level Analysis) high frequency sea level dataset - Version 2

The dataset contains 39148 years of sea level data from 1355 station records, with some stations having alternative versions of the records provided from different sources. GESLA-2 data may be...

Seawater temperature records for the UK Shelf - 12 - Mnemiopsis Ecology Modelling and Observation Project

This dataset has been extracted as part of an exercise to assemble "all" Cefas Temperature Data and publish it in a Data paper. It is one of 17 Cefas data sources assembled. The MEMO (Mnemiopsis...

Isotope compositions in a natural gas seep, French Alps

The Fontaine Ardente (FA) and Rochasson (ROC) natural gas seepage sites are located southwest (FA) and east (ROC) of Grenoble, France. For both field sites, gas is thought to originate from buried...

INlet Dynamics Initiative: Algarve (INDIA) Project Data Set - Inlet dynamics data collected in the Ria Formosa National Park. January - March 1999

The dataset comprises measurements of hydrographic, bathymetric, sedimentary and meteorological parameters. These include water currents, temperature, salinity and wave parameters; suspended and...

1999 UMBSM/ IUEM/ ICRAM/ MLA Clyde Sea Toothed Dredge Impact Survey - Grab and Suction Sampling

1999 University Marine Biological Station, Millport, Marine observatory of the European University Institute of the Sea, ICRAM, Chioggia, Fisheries Research Services, Aberdeen Marine...

Monitoring Atlantic Inflow to the Arctic (MAIA) Project Data Set (2000-2001)

The dataset comprises hydrographic measurements including current velocity, temperature, salinity and sea level data. Results of one iodine experiment are also included. The data were collected in...

Dover-Sangatte (Dover Strait) cable voltage series (1955-1969)

The data set comprises continuous hourly recordings of electrical potential across the Dover Strait, which relate to the flux of water, over the period 1955-1965 and part of 1968-1969, together...

A data product derived from Northeast Atlantic groundfish data from scientific trawl surveys 1983-2020

This is a data product to support state indicators that are based from groundfish biological data, derived using primary data from surveys undertaken in the Northeast Atlantic between 1983 and...

2009-2016 Loxton et al., Distribution of the invasive bryozoan Schizoporella japonica in Great Britain and Ireland and a review of its European distribution

The bryozoan Schizoporella japonica Ortmann (1890) was first recorded in European waters in 2010 and has since been reported from further locations in Great Britain (GB) and Norway. This dataset...