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473 results found

All UK Special Protected Areas (SPAs) with marine components

This spreadsheet contains Special Protection Areas (SPAs) with marine components are defined as those sites with qualifying Birds Directive (2009/147/EC) Annex I species or regularly occurring...

All UK Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) with marine components

This spreadsheet contains the most up to date version of boundaries of inshore and offshore SACs with marine components, including sites that straddle the inshore/offshore (territorial seas)...

Building Materials and Components statistics

Provides information on selected building materials and contains monthly data on price indices, bricks, cement and concrete blocks; and quarterly data on sand and gravel, slate, concrete roofing...

MOD-Organogram of Staff Roles & Salaries-Defence Electronics & Components Agency

Defence Electronics and Components Agency (DECA) is now part of Defence, Equipment and Support (DE&S). DECA’s transparency and organogram data from June 2024 can be found in [the DE&S...

Mid Year Population Estimates (MYEs): components of population change

This dataset assesses whether population change is primarily caused by natural change, or migration Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS): Population Estimates Unit Publisher: Office for...

Polluted Troposphere TORCH2: Tropospheric ORganic CHemistry Experiment (TORCH2) Ground-based Atmospheric Components Measurements Collection from the Weybourne Atmospheric Observatory, Norfolk

The Polluted Troposphere Programme was a 5-year NERC thematic research programme which was centred upon the study of polluted boundary layer air and its transport to the free troposphere. The...

Polluted Troposphere TORCH2: Tropospheric ORganic CHemistry Experiment (TORCH2) Ground-based Atmospheric Components Measurements Collection from the Weybourne Atmospheric Observatory, Norfolk

The Polluted Troposphere Programme was a 5-year NERC thematic research programme which was centred upon the study of polluted boundary layer air and its transport to the free troposphere. The...

Component model iterations for inputs into a multi-scale model describing the effect of host conditions on Hendra virus shedding, eastern Australia, 2008-2019

The data provided here are model iteration objects and rasters needed to run the multi-scale modelling process and predict how the host condition affects probability of Hendra virus shedding. The...

Polluted Troposphere TORCH1: Tropospheric ORganic CHemistry Experiment (TORCH1) Ground-based Atmospheric Components Measurements Collection at Writtle College as part of the Polluted Troposphere Programme

The Polluted Troposphere Programme was a 5-year NERC thematic research programme which was centred upon the study of polluted boundary layer air and its transport to the free troposphere. The...

Polluted Troposphere TORCH1: Tropospheric ORganic CHemistry Experiment (TORCH1) Ground-based Atmospheric Components Measurements Collection at Writtle College as part of the Polluted Troposphere Programme

The Polluted Troposphere Programme was a 5-year NERC thematic research programme which was centred upon the study of polluted boundary layer air and its transport to the free troposphere. The...

Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) Vertical profiles of Atmospheric Components from the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS L3) Instrument and NERC Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) Prototype Water Vapour Data

The Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) is a satellite-borne instrument making limb sounding measurements of atmospheric composition at microwave frequencies. It was built by an instrument team based at...

Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) Vertical profiles of Atmospheric Components from the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS L3) Instrument and NERC Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) Prototype Water Vapour Data

The Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) is a satellite-borne instrument making limb sounding measurements of atmospheric composition at microwave frequencies. It was built by an instrument team based at...

Disability Living Allowance (DLA)

Disability Living Allowance (DLA) claimants are people who become disabled before the age of 65. Source: Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Publisher: Department for Work and Pensions...

Airport Safeguarding Area

Airport safeguarding polygon layer. This Policy Area is relevant to the City Plan 2036 Strategic Policy S12: Tall Buildings and Local Plan Tall Buildings Policy CS14.Name – Name of the Policy...

WITHDRAWN:BGS EarthServer pilot

This service was created as part of the EU (FP7) funded EarthServer project. It provided the public facing WCS component of the Geology Data Service for this project. Other public facing components...

Monument Views and Setting

Monument Views polygon layer. This Policy Area is relevant to the City Paln 2036 Strategic Policy S13: Protected Views and Local Plan 2015 Policy CS13 Protected Views. See also the Protected Views...

Weapons Information Exchange System

To fulfil EC Directive 91/47/EEC, to let EU countries know firearms, ammunition and component parts of weapons are being imported/exported to/from their country and to let the UK HMRC know that...

Global Receiver Function from 2000 to 2019

This data set contains receiver functions calculated from three-component waveform data available in IRISDMC from 2000 to 2019. The waveform data are for earthquakes greater than magnitude 6.0,...

Data selector for Air Quality statistics

Air quality Data selector for following pollutants: Ozone, Nitric oxides, Nitrogen dioxide, Sulphur dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, PM10 components , PM2.5 components, ethane, ethane, ethyne, propane,...


Identification and characterisation of antimicrobial components of Manuka honey