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Performance-related pay - Home Office

Data on non-consolidated performance-related payments in the Home Office and its agencies..

SCS Pay - Pivotal Role Allowance

Departmental spend and number of cases

Pay and Work Rights Helpline database

Database recording all the enquiries received. This service is administered via a contract, we are the lead Government Department

Defra gender pay gap 2013

Summary of the difference between the average salary of women and men in Defra. The difference is expressed as a percentage of the average male earnings and calculated for each grade and for all...

OFT Non-consolidated performance related pay - 2010-11

The Office of Fair Trading has published data on non consolidated performance related pay for the performance year 2010-11.

Real Time Information (RTI) - Pay As You Earn (PAYE)

Administrative dataset on Real Time PAYE submissions. Updated: daily. Data coverage: 2012-13, 2013-14

Food Standards Agency - Non-consolidated Performance Related Pay

Information on Non-Consolidated Performance Related Payments made to SCS and Non-SCS Staff.

General Medical Practitioners - by Practice

General Practitioner’s membership of GP Practices Contains: Mapping of General Practitioner codes (GPs) to the relevant GP Practice or Practices at which they work.

General Dental Practitioners - by Practice

General Dental Practitioner’s membership of General Dental Practices Contains: A mapping of General Dental Practitioner codes to the Dental Practice or Practices at which they work.

Archived General Medical Practitioners

Archived GP Practitioners (GPs) in England, Wales, Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man. Contains: Name and address information and GNC codes for General Practitioners working in England and...

NHS Payments to General Practice

NHS Payments to General Practice in England, analysed by individual provider of general practice services and main payment category. The main payment categories include Global Sum, the Minimum...

HS2 General Vesting Declarations

The High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) Act 2017 and the High Speed Rail (West Midlands - Crewe) Act 2021 afford the Secretary of State for Transport the powers of compulsory acquisition of...

General Health

Data showing the general health of Plymouth's residents.

Junior staff pay dataset

Download the dataset of junior staff pay as it was on 1 April 2012.

Junior staff pay dataset

Download the dataset of junior staff pay as it was on 31 March 2011.

Senior staff pay dataset

Download the dataset of senior staff pay as it was on 31 March 2011.

Pay Multiple

The pay multiple is the ratio between the highest taxable earnings and the median earnings of the whole authority's workforce.The information is published annually.

Pay scales

Leicester City Council's current pay structure for staff covered by the National Joint Council for Local Government Services and the Joint Negotiating Committee for Local Authorities Craft and...

Pay Multiple

Mole Valley District Council (MVDC). Pay Multiple (ratio between the highest taxable earnings and the median earnings figure of the whole authority). Published under Transparency Code 2014 and...

Pay multiples

The council publishes salary information showing the ratios between the lowest and highest paid employees. Please note ----------- * The median is the middle salary when all salaries have been...