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656 results found

% of adults (aged 19+) that are physically inactive (<30 moderate intensity equivalent minutes per week)

% of adults (aged 19+) that are physically inactive (<30 moderate intensity equivalent minutes per week)

Fruit and vegetable wholesale prices

These publications give the average wholesale prices of selected home-grown horticultural produce. Designation: Official Statistic Alternative title: Agricultural Market Reports The following...

Pupil attainment by Ethnic Group: GCSE

GCSE and Equivalent: Results for Young People by Ethnic Group. The dataset includes the total number of 15 year old pupils taking GCSE and Equivalent exams, the percentage of 15 year old pupils...

FSA Workforce Managment Information

Monthly information on staff numbers and paybill costs in the FSA, both payroll and non-payroll including consultants. Split between full-time equivalents (FTE) and headcount and mapped to standard...

Pupil attainment at GCSE and associated value added measures for young people by gender in England, (referenced by location of educational institution)

GCSE and Equivalent results and associated Value Added Measures of 15 year old pupils in maintained schools in England. The dataset includes the total number of 15 year old pupils taking GCSE and...

Workforce Management Information - Office of Rail and Road

Monthly management information on staff numbers and pay bill costs in the Office of Rail and Road. For workforce numbers, both payroll and non-payroll (contingent labour, including consultants)...

National Archives - Workforce Management Data

The data in the file providing workforce management information shows the number of people we employ (headcount) and the full-time equivalent each month. The report includes the number of...

Pupil attainment by Free School Meal (FSM) eligibility: GCSE (KS4)

The figures presented here provide information about the GCSE and Equivalent results and associated Value Added Measures of 15-year-old pupils in maintained schools in England. The dataset includes...

Tolerance of ash, oak and beech seedlings grown within woodlands to herbicides for the control of bramble (Alice Holt)

The effect of dormant season applications of triclopyr on the growth and survival of young trees was investigated in two experiments using transplants grown for one season beneath a canopy of...

A level and other level 3 results in England

Provides information on the overall achievements of young people in A level and AS level and other equivalent examinations. Source agency: Education Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Flower species and their abundances on farmland in Hampshire and West Sussex during 2014 and 2018

The dataset contains information about floral abundance on eight farms across Hampshire and West Sussex in 2014 and 2018. Transects of 3km were marked out on each farm and surveyed 3 times in both...

Annual vegetative growth and flowering data from Climoor fieldsite in Clocaenog Forest

[THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. This dataset includes measurements of annual growth of the higher plant species in the experimental plots at the Climoor field site in the Clocaenog Forest, NE...

NIO: business appointment rules advice

This page provides information about outside appointments or employment taken up by former members of the [department]. It covers former staff at senior civil service levels SCS1 and SCS2 and...

% of adults (aged 16+) that are physically active (150+ moderate intensity equivalent minutes per week, excl. gardening)

% of adults (aged 16+) that are physically active (150+ moderate intensity equivalent minutes per week, excl. gardening)

UKTI senior officials travel

This report shows international travel by UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) senior officials at SCS2 (or equivalent) and above. The report includes bookings made through the department’s central...

Joint Support Unit Northwood Carbon Emissions and Water Use

The total monthly equivalent carbon emissions for the JSU Northwood site and the water usage

Pupil attainment by Ethnic Group: GCSE Average Points Score

GCSE and Equivalent: Average Point Scores and associated value added measures for young people by ethnic group. The dataset includes the total number of 15 year old pupils taking GCSE and...

Bee and flower abundance and diversity and bee pollen foraging data from farms in England

Data comprise flower abundance and diversity data and bee abundance, diversity and activity data collected during extensive surveys carried out on farms in Hampshire and West Sussex, southern...

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office: Business appointment rules advice

Summaries of advice given under the business appointment rules to applicants at SCS2 and SCS1 level and equivalents.

NI 163 - Proportion of population aged 19-64 for males and 19-59 for females qualified to at least Level 2 or higher

Proportion of working age (19 years to retirement age) population qualified to at least level 2 or higher. Qualified to level 2 and above; People are counted as being qualified to level 2 and...