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Pupil teacher ratios by school type

Pupil: teacher ratios in the local authority maintained sector (nursery, primary, secondary and special schools) and independent schools Source: Department for Children Schools and Families...

Teachers in maintained schools by contract type

Teacher numbers in the maintained schools sector by type of contract Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: Department for Children Schools and Families...

Dwelling type and accommodation type by household space type

Dwelling type and accommodation type by household space type. Census Area Statistics Table CAS048 Source: Census 2001 Publisher: Nomis Geographies: Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA), Middle...

Natura 2000 designation type

Designated type information for each Natura 2000 site (SAC and SPA). Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) are strictly protected sites designated under the EC Habitats Directive. Special...

Housing types

Data showing housing types in Plymouth

Housing Types

Data showing housing types in Plymouth.

Forecasts of Farm Business Income by farm type

Presents forecast income figures based on results from the Farm Business Survey. Note: due to an error the statistics due to be published on the 30th January 2014, were disclosed to 13 Defra policy...

Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) claimants by occupation type

Claimant count (JSA claimants) by Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) (e.g. higher managerial, technical etc.) Source: Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Publisher: Nomis Geographies:...

Pupils by school type (special, private etc.)

The number of pupils in schools in an LEA by school type (whether state maintained, nursery, primary, secondary, private, special school etc.) Source: Department for Children Schools and Families...

UK Ramsar broad wetland types

Ramsar sites are wetlands of international importance designated under the Ramsar Convention. This dataset contains details for all broad wetland types for all designated Ramsar sites within the UK...

eAML2 Pig Movement System - moves by premises type

PLEASE NOTE: As of 25th May 2023 this catalog/data-sets is no longer updated and has been Retired. Data reports on pig movements by premises type in England, Scotland and Wales. Premises types...

Final claims data

Colleges, commercial and charitable providers and other institutions provide an annual funding return to the EFA which is recorded and held currently in Excel spreadsheets. This data consists of...

PRODCOM Final Results

Final estimates of UK Manufacturing Sales by Product (PRODCOM). Estimates of product sales value and volume, linked with international trade statistics. Source agency: Office for National...

Landscape Character Types

District-wide Landscape Character Types as defined in the Landscape Character Assessment dated October 2004.

Movements by location and source type with premise type

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains a list of movements by location and source type with premise type between 1 April 2009 to 31 March 2010 Attribution statement: © Rural...

Dwelling type and accommodation type by tenure (people)

Dwelling type and accommodation type by tenure (people). Census Area Statistics Table CAS050 Source: Census 2001 Publisher: Nomis Geographies: Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA), Middle Layer...

Type of communal establishment by resident type and sex

Type of Communal Establishment by resident type and sex. Census Area Statistics Table CAS126 Source: Census 2001 Publisher: Nomis Geographies: Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA), Middle Layer...

Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZ) 2017 - Combined (Final Designations)

PLEASE NOTE: This dataset has been retired, as it has been superseded by the dataset for Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZ) 2021 Designations. See:...

Dwelling type, accommodation type and central heating by tenure in Cambridgeshire 2011

Dwelling type and accommodation type and central heating by tenure in Cambridgeshire based on 2011 census. Data downloaded from Nomis. Geographies: super output area - middle layer

National Diabetes Audit, Type 1 Diabetes

The National Diabetes Audit (NDA) provides a comprehensive view of diabetes care in England and Wales. It measures the effectiveness of diabetes healthcare against NICE Clinical Guidelines and NICE...