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Troubled Families: Number of families “turned around” for Employment

Troubled Families: Number of families “turned around” for Employment *This indicator is discontinued

Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service Information Technology Particular Needs

Data pertaining to specialist IT equipment supplied to Cafcass employees that constitutes a reasonable adjustment

FamilyMan (Family Courts Case management system)

Case management system for family court cases. Details include name: sex and address of applicant; children's date of birth if applicable, names of respondants, details of solicitors if...

Anti-social Behaviour Family Intervention Projects

Outcomes, service effectiveness and capacity of family intervention projects to support vulnerable and chaotic families from April 09 to March 11. Future editions of this publication can be found...

Family Resources Survey Reports (Northern Ireland)

Information collected from the Family Resources Survey. Source agency: Social Development (Northern Ireland) Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Family...

tri-service families continuous attitude survey

The Ministry of Defence uses the tri-Service Families Continuous Attitude Survey (FAMCAS) to assess the views of Service families. The report captures Service Personnel spouses and civil partners'...

Army Families Continuous Attitude Survey FAMCAS

FAMCAS is an annual surevy conducted to collect the views and attitudes of families to aspects of life that are in part, or completely, determined by attachment to the Armed Forces.

DCLG Data4NR: CDRP Family: Statistical group

Grouping similar policing and crime reduction areas for comparative purposes. Data4NR reference.

Municipal Recycling & Waste Strategy - Assumptions: Legislation and Targets

This section outlines the assumptions we have used as a basis for Barnet Council’s Municipal Recycling & Waste Strategy and the various evidence collated that supports them  P1 - There is no...

NHS Friends and Family Test for Staff

From April 2014, NHS England is introducing the Staff Friends and Family Test (FFT) in all NHS trusts providing acute, community, ambulance and mental health services in England. Data will show...

Families And Young Children

This public health factsheet describes facts, assets, and strategies related to families and young children’s health in Camden.

Family size

This report analyses families in the UK by the number of dependent children they have, with focus on those with three or more dependent children, examining trends over time, where such families...

Focus on Families

A statistical digest that looks at family types and explores similarities and differences between them. It also examines the relationship between families and health, unpaid care and...

Family Spending

Results of the Living Costs and Food Survey (formally the Expenditure and Food Survey), successor to the Family Expenditure Survey (FES) and the National Food Survey (NFS). Source agency: Office...

Families and Households

Presents recent estimates of the number of families by type, people in families by family type and children in families by type. Types of family include married couple families, cohabiting couple...

Input indicator: local authorities working with troubled families

This indicator reports the percentage of local authorities who have begun to identify and work with troubled families in their area as part of DCLG's programme. #### How the figure is...

Troubled Families: Number of identified families that are being/have been worked with

Troubled Families: Number of identified families that are being/have been worked with *This indicator has been discontinued.

Number of Troubled Families (Families identified with 2 or more headline criteria)

Number of Troubled Families (Families identified with 2 or more headline criteria) *This indicator has been discontinued

Northern Ireland Terrorism Legislation: Annual Statistics for the period 01 April 2021 to 31 December 2021

The report details the use in Northern Ireland of powers contained within the Terrorism Act 2000, the Terrorism (Northern Ireland) Act 2006, the Counter-Terrorism Act 2008 and the Justice and...

Family composition by age of Family Reference Person (FRP)

Age of head of household broken down by who lives in a household (pensioner, student, lone parent etc.) . Census Area Statistics Table CAS011 Source: Census 2001 Publisher: Nomis Geographies:...