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698 results found

The Experience of Ulster-Scots culture and heritage by adults in Northern Ireland: Findings from the Continuous Household Survey (CHS)

This biennial series of publications provides information on adults aged 16 years and over and their experience of Ulster-Scots culture and heritage Source agency: Culture, Arts and Leisure...

Experience of Museums in Northern Ireland Findings from the Continuous Household Survey 2008/09 DCAL Research Findings

Frequency of visits to museums, how much respondents enjoyed last visit and overall satisfaction with museums provision in Northern Ireland Source agency: Culture, Arts and Leisure (Northern...

FSA and Official Controls: Research with Food Business Operators Survey

A mixed methods research study to understand the views and experiences that FBOs have of the FSA and Official Controls. This dataset includes the data gathered from survey interviews conducted with...

Corruption in the police service England and Wales: second report - based on the IPCC's experience 2008-2011

Report into the IPCC's experience of corruption in the police service England and Wales

Food and You biennial consumer survey (2010, 2012, 2014)

The Food and You survey provides information about reported behaviours, attitudes and knowledge relating to food issues. It provides data on people’s reported food purchasing, storage, preparation,...

Scottish Health and Care Experience Survey

National, NHS Board, CHP and GP practice reports will be published. Survey will cover experiences of local NHS services,outcomes from treatments, experiences of care and support services. Source...

Inpatient Experience Survey Provisional Results

Provisional results from the inpatient survey which asked questions about inpatient’s experiences of attending hospital including the ward and environment, staff, medicines and discharge. Source...

Consumer Concerns: Experience of nuisance calls

Data collected from a face-to-face survey of UK consumers about their concerns, issues or problems in the communications market, specifically with regard to nuisance calls. We are considering...

Core Flood Experiments on carbonate rocks

Grant: ACT ELEGANCY, Project No 271498. Medical CT scans for drainage multiphase flow through carbonate rock cores. The steady state drainage multiphase flow at elevated pressure using nitrogen and...

Tolerance of ash, oak and beech seedlings grown within woodlands to herbicides for the control of bramble (Alice Holt)

The effect of dormant season applications of triclopyr on the growth and survival of young trees was investigated in two experiments using transplants grown for one season beneath a canopy of...

Experience of Library Usage in Northern Ireland: Findings from the Northern Ireland Continuous Household Survery DCAL Research Findings 3/2010

Survey findings on public library usage Source agency: Culture, Arts and Leisure (Northern Ireland) Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

QICS Paper: Dynamics of rising CO2 bubble plumes in the QICS field experiment: Part 1 – The experiment

The dynamic characteristics of CO2 bubbles in Scottish seawater are investigated through observational data obtained from the QICS project. Images of the leaked CO2 bubble plume rising in the...

Phenotypic data collected in the experimental infection study of house finches with M. gallisepticum bacterial isolates

Data collected from an experimental inoculation study of house finches with isolates of the bacterial pathogen, Mycoplasma gallisepticum, conducted at Arizona State University, USA in 2015. Data...

Work Experience and Contextual Admissions at London's Higher Education Institutions

The GLA commissioned CFE Research to carry out qualitative research into: * the provision of work experience and employability support for students at London’s Higher Education Institutions,...

Chestnut Survey GB 10K Grid 2014

Stands surveyed to determine whether Chestnut blight (Cryphonectria parasitica) and/or Chestnut gall wasp (Dryocosmus kuriphilus) are present in 17 forest stands of Sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa)...

Chestnut Survey GB 10K Grid 2013

Stands surveyed to determine whether Chestnut blight (Cryphonectria parasitica) and/or Chestnut gall wasp (Dryocosmus kuriphilus) are present in 17 forest stands of Sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa)...

Idealist System database

Names, addresses, DoB, types of animals experiments and severity limits.

Forest Research Experiment Sites GB 2016

This dataset records Forest Research Experiment sites on the National Forest Estate and private land. Objective is to avoid accidental damage to Forest Research experiments and sample plots during...

CO2 release field experiment global metadata

Compilation of CO2 release field experiments conducted worldwide for which the research results are publicly available prior to May 2017. This includes 14 field sites and 41 field experiments. For...

The experience of children and families living in insecure private rented sector accommodation

This report presents the findings of an exploratory qualitative research project carried out with children and families living in insecure private rented sector accommodation. The aims of the...