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Areas for Intensification Points (London Plan Consolidated with Alterations since 2004)

Areas identified in The London Plan Consolidated with Alterations since 2004 as having significant potential for increases in residential, employment and other uses through development of sites at...

Strategic Industrial Location Points (London Plan Consolidated with Alterations since 2004)

Strategic Industrial Locations (SILs) as identified in The London Plan Consolidated with Alterations since 2004. These comprise Preferred Industrial Locations and Industrial Business Parks and...

Central Activities Zone Boundary (London Plan Consolidated with Alterations since 2004)

The Central Activities Zone (CAZ) as shown in The London Plan Consolidated with Alterations since 2004, not finalized and therefore provided for illustrative use only. The Central Activities Zone...

Ecological risk due to river flow alteration under climate and socioeconomic change scenarios

This dataset contains modelled outputs of the European river network modelled as 33,668 cells (5° longitude by 5° latitude). For each cell, modelled monthly flows were generated for an ensemble of...

Digital inclusion

Internet usage and digital inclusion statistics

Digital radio report

This report includes data on digital radio devices' share of radio listening and information on the digital radio coverage project. It is designed to measure current levels of FM and DAB radio...

Shortwave infrared (SWIR) data of hydrothermal alteration from the island of Milos, Greece (NERC Grant NE/L002434/1)

This dataset provides an overview of hydrothermal alteration samples from the island of Milos, Greece, that were analysed using a portable infrared mineral analyser (PIMA) or AgriSpec spectrometer....

Whole-rock XRD (X-ray diffraction) data of hydrothermal alteration from the island of Milos, Greece

Summary of semi-quantitative whole-rock XRD analysis of hydrothermal alteration across the island of Milos, Greece. The samples were acquired during numerous field visits between 2010 and 2018 by...

Digital Terrain Model

In 2021, a complete airborne LiDAR survey of the Northern Ireland coastline was commissioned as part of the NI 3D Coastal Survey, providing precise and accurate data of the current coastal...

Digital Terrain Model

In 2021, a complete airborne LiDAR survey of the Northern Ireland coastline was commissioned as part of the NI 3D Coastal Survey, providing precise and accurate data of the current coastal...

Digital Surface Model

In 2021, a complete airborne LiDAR survey of the Northern Ireland coastline was commissioned as part of the NI 3D Coastal Survey, providing precise and accurate data of the current coastal...

Digital Surface Model

In 2021, a complete airborne LiDAR survey of the Northern Ireland coastline was commissioned as part of the NI 3D Coastal Survey, providing precise and accurate data of the current coastal...

Digital seismic sections

This digital data set contains original files of seismic reflection survey sections. Most data are within the UK Onshore area; although there are some UK near-shore and offshore (North Sea, Irish...

Focus On The Digital Age

This report gives an overview of the digital age across society and economy in the UK. It shows the extent to which people, education, business and government have taken up information and...

Digital geochronological index

A digital geochronological index to act as a domain constraint for geochronology columns in corporate data tables. It decodes geochronology codes, models pseudo parent-child relationships between...

Digital Talent Programme research and resources

A range of reports that helped shape the development and direction of the  []( [**Mayor's...

Digital Terrain Model

A pilot bathymetric LiDAR survey was commissioned in 2021 which mapped the nearshore areas of Dundrum Bay and areas of Carlingford Lough./p>For the pilot bathymetric survey a Rapid Airborne...

Digital Terrain Model

A pilot bathymetric LiDAR survey was commissioned in 2021 which mapped the nearshore areas of Dundrum Bay and areas of Carlingford Lough./p>For the pilot bathymetric survey a Rapid Airborne...

Digital Electoral Services - Performance Data

This page provides data resources on the performance of the government's digital electoral services. This data is refreshed daily

Digital Terrain Model

Fugro were commissioned to undertake a post-storm LiDAR survey of the soft sedimentary areas along the north coast of Northern Ireland in March 2022 This survey was to cover the following areas:...