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448 results found

English Housing Survey Energy Efficiency of English Housing Report

Detailed findings from the English Housing Survey on the energy efficiency of housing in England. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Efficiency in the higher education sector: technical exploration

The efficiency scores, as shown in the historgrams, that are derived from the econometric analysis.

Energy efficiency: Average SAP rating for all Council Homes

Energy efficiency: Average SAP rating for all Council Homes

Non-domestic National Energy Efficiency Data-Framework (ND-NEED)

The National Energy Efficiency Data-Framework was set up to provide a better understanding of energy use and intensity in domestic and non-domestic buildings. These documents provide data on...

% of dwellings with energy rating in A-C band in the EPC Register (where A is the most energy efficient and G is the least energy efficient) - (Snapshot)

% of dwellings with energy rating in A-C band in the EPC Register (where A is the most energy efficient and G is the least energy efficient) - (Snapshot)

Reduction in CO2 through investing in more efficient street lighting (%)

Reduction in CO2 through investing in more efficient street lighting (%) *This indicator has been discontinued

National Energy Efficiency Data-Framework (NEED): anonymised datasets

The Domestic National Energy Efficiency Data-Framework (NEED) brings together information on domestic gas and electricity consumption with other information about domestic properties and the...

Impact indicator: energy efficiency of new build housing

Average Standard Assessment Procedure energy rating score #### How the figure is calculated: The sum of SAP energy rating scores for each new home for which an energy performance certificate has...

Average Energy Efficiency (SAP rating) of New Homes, England and Wales

The energy efficiency of new homes as measured by the SAP rating system. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

Domestic Energy Performance Certificates Lodged on Register - By Energy Efficiency Rating

Domestic Energy Performance Certificates Lodged on Register - By Energy Efficiency Rating The release covers certificates lodged between 2008 and Q4, 2015, and breaks the data down for each...

Household Energy Efficiency

These statistics include measures installed under the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) and the Green Deal schemes in Great Britain. It also includes further analysis and geographical breakdowns of...

Operational Efficiency Programme Benchmarking Report for April 2009 to May 2010

Operational Efficiency Programme Benchmarking Report for April 2009 to May 2010 with the full accompanying data set. The report highlights the exceptionally bad quality of existing data,...

Domestic Energy Factfile - energy efficiency of the British housing stock

The purpose of this report is to gather together in one volume data on important trends related to domestic energy use, and in particular on the measures that have been taken to improve energy...

Domestic Energy Performance Certificates Lodged on Register - By Energy Efficiency Rating

The release covers certificates lodged between 2008 and Q4, 2015, and breaks the data down for each specified calendar quarter (Q1=Jan-Mar, Q2=Apr-Jun, Q3=Jul-Sep, Q4=Oct-Dec) within each specified...

Biological-based habitat classification approaches promote cost-efficient monitoring: an example using seabed assemblages

Files for use with the R script accompanying the paper Cooper et al. (2019). Note that this script also uses files from ``_ (details provided in script)....

Biological-based habitat classification approaches promote cost-efficient monitoring: an example using seabed assemblages

Files for use with the R script accompanying the paper Cooper et al. (2019). Note that this script also uses files from ``_ (details provided in script)....

International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 363, planktonic foraminifera range chart data (NERC grant NE/P016642/1)

International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 363, planktonic foraminifera range chart data Planktonic foraminifera range charts indicating: Column A: Sample ID Columns B and C: sample interval...

River Levels Application Programming Interface (API)

This dataset covers monitoring data that is updated on our systems on a minimum of a daily update cycle. This is increased during times of flooding etc. Measurements of the height (m) of...

NI 187 - Tackling fuel poverty - percentage of people receiving income based benefits living in homes with a low energy efficiency rating

Fuel poverty is the requirement to spend 10% or more of household income to maintain an adequate level or warmth. The energy efficiency of a house can be measured using the Standard Assessment...

Mean sortable silt versus depth data in sediment core from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) site 980 (NERC Grant NE/M004619/1)

Mean grain size data in the sortable silt fraction (10-63 um) from 0- 8 meters composite depth in Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) site 980. Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 980 was drilled in July...