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Department for Education business plan quarterly data summary

The Business Plan quarterly data summaries (QDS) provide the latest data on indicators included in Departmental business plans as well as other published data and management information. The QDS...

Forest Reproductive Materials Exclusion Zones GB

This shapefile shows exclusion zones associated with some sites on the Forest Reproductive Material (FRM) shapefile. It should always be used in conjunction with the FRM shapefile. The exclusion...

Forest Reproductive Materials Sites Accesses GB

Forest Reproductive Material (FRM) is the generic name for the seeds, cones, cuttings and planting stock used in forest establishment. The 46 tree species and the genus Populus (including aspen,...

Forest Reproductive Materials Regions Of Provenance GB

These are defined areas within which similar ecological and climatic characteristics are found. They provide a framework for specifying sources of Forest Reproductive Material (FRM). For native...

Trial of biodegradable mulch materials (Kent 2012)

Mulches are materials applied to the soil surface to control the growth of competitive weeds. The durability, practicality, and weed control efficacy of a range of mulch materials was tested for...

Promotional material distribution lists

Promotion material distribution lists - Name, email address, postal address, telephone number, subject interest.

Building Materials and Components statistics

Provides information on selected building materials and contains monthly data on price indices, bricks, cement and concrete blocks; and quarterly data on sand and gravel, slate, concrete roofing...

Statements of Special Educational Needs issued by Local Authorities survey

The Special Educational Needs2 survey is an annual collection of data on statements of Special Educational Needs issued by Local Authorities. It is collected from all Local Authorities in England...

Special Educational Needs: Statements issued within 26 weeks

This publication presents national and LA level figures from 2009-10 for National Indicator 103. This indicator has two separate elements; 103A and 103B Source agency: Education Designation:...

Economic and social benefits of further education and skills: learning for those not in employment

Further eduction learners not in employment, their reasons for doing the course, their satisfaction with the course and what impact it had on economic and social outcomes.

Further Education, Work-Based Learning, Train to Gain and Safeguarded Learning

Presents early year estimates of the number of learners in post-16 education and training in England funded by the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) who were in learning in October 2007. Source...

Participation in Education, Training and Employment by 16-18 Year Olds in England

Provides statistics on participation of 16-18 year olds in education, training and employment. Source agency: Education Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title:...

Household recycling by material and region, England

This series provides information on household waste recycling by material and regions in England from 1996/97 to 2009/10. Maintained to cover a unique temporal range. A range of data sources are...

Review of posts with access to sensitive material

A list of all staff with the need for security / developed vetting (DV) clearance. Sensitive information, very important to BIS but no monetary value

Informing choice in post-16 education and learning: parent and learner survey data

Learner survey and parental survey undertaken as part of the Informing Choice in post-16 education and learning research carried out for BIS by York Consulting. Relates to BIS research paper no....

Interim impact assessment: urgent reforms to higher education funding and student finance

Underlying data tables from the interim impact assessment: urgent reforms to higher education funding and student finance [URN 10/1309]

Further Education and Skills: Learner Participation, Outcomes and Level of Highest Qualification Held

Previously published under the name "Post-16 Education", this Statistical First Release covers further education and skills, showing learner participation, outcomes and the level of the highest...

Financial reports on Local Authority expenditure on their education and children's social care functions

Local Authorities are required under section 251 of the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 to prepare and submit an education and children’s social care outturn statement....

NI 103: Special Educational Needs – statements issued within 26 weeks

This is a new publication that presents national and LA level figures from the previous academic year for National Indicator 103. This indicator has two separate elements; A) The percentage of...

Further education and skills statistics

Ofsted inspection statistics for further education and skills.