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Dwelling prices by dwelling type

Dwelling transactions: the total number of changes of ownership of dwellings in a calendar year, with statistics on the prices paid. Source: Land Registry Publisher: Neighbourhood...

Number of dwellings

Data showing the number of dwellings in Plymouth

New dwellings

Data showing how many new dwellings have been built in Plymouth Including: brownfield sites; conversions; garden land and non-residential greenfield sites.

Vacant dwellings

Statistics on vacant dwelling and empty homes

Number of dwellings

Data showing the number of dwellings in Plymouth

Notice to Improve Improvement action plans

Notice To Improve - Improvement action plans provider specific

Input indicator: bonus grant per dwelling

This is the Total New Homes Bonus grant payable for a financial year, divided by number of dwellings rewarded. Calculations are available separately for shire areas, metropolitan areas and...

Permanent dwellings started, England, District By Tenure

This data set contains annual data and the most recent quarterly data on house building starts. From 2011/12 imputed data is included. Imputed data should not be seen as an estimate for the...

Permanent dwellings completed, England, District By Tenure

This data set contains annual data, the most recent quarterly data, and rolling four quarter totals (England only) on house building completions. From 2011/12 imputed data is included. Imputed data...

Fire statistics: Non-dwelling fires attended

This information covers fires, false and other incidents attended by firecrews, and the statistics include the numbers of incidents, fires, fatalities and casualties as well as information on...

Total 'other' public sector vacant dwellings

The Housing Strategy Statistical Appendix (HSSA) is a statistical return to support the LA's annual Housing Strategy. It is mainly basic and policy orientated data on all tenures within each local...

Number of non-decent Local Authority dwellings

The purpose of the Business Plan Statistical Appendix (BPSA) is to bring together information about a non-Large Scale Voluntary Transfer (LSVT) authority's Housing Revenue Account (HRA) stock. The...

House building: Dwellings Started - Local Authority

Housebuilding: permanent dwellings started by tenure and region. Table 231 have been discontinued and are no longer being updated.

House building: Dwellings Completed - Local Authority

Housebuilding: permanent dwellings completed, by tenure and region. Table 232 have been discontinued and is no longer being updated.

Dwellings let to new tenants on an introductory tenancy

The Housing Strategy Statistical Appendix (HSSA) is a statistical return to support the LA's annual Housing Strategy. It is mainly basic and policy orientated data on all tenures within each local...

Density of new dwellings built, by local authority

Proportion of new dwellings on previously-developed land. Previously-developed land, often called brownfield land, is land that was developed but is now vacant or derelict, and land currently in...

Housebuilding: permanent dwellings started and completed, by tenure

Quarterly House building: permanent dwellings started and completed, by tenure, England.

DCLG Data4NR: Burglary other than in a dwelling

Burglary rate in non-domestic dwellings. Data4NR reference.

Business Improvement Districts

Data to show boundaries of City BIDs and Business Partnerships

Improving the local area

Survey results on improving the local area