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P Drive backups

Backup of user persoanl drives stored for disaster recovery

Driving Instructor Records

Scanned driving instructor documentation including applications to become an instructor, all communications with the instructor and information relating to that instructor.

Driving Standards Agency Archive

DSA Archive containing information to mark the anniversary of the driving test, DSA etc.

Northern Ireland Drink Driving Reconviction Analysis of those Referred onto a Course for Drink Driving Offenders (2001-2009)

A report on the Northern Ireland drink driving reconviction analysis of those referred onto a course for drink driving offenders (2001-2009). Source agency: Environment (Northern...

Official Register of Driving Instructor Training.

Official Register of Driving Instructor Training (ORDIT) spreadsheet - contains contact and premises details of ORDIT accredited organisations and personal data relating to their employees...

Drive in a Clean Air Zone service

The data set shows performance stats for the Drive in a Clean Air Zone service - DEFRA and DfT are jointly responsible for the 2017 Roadside NO2 Reduction Plan,...

Driving and riding tests: extra data

The data published here is to accompany the Driving & Riding Test and Instructor Statistics releases ( Links are...

TPOs Individual

North Dorset District Council, TPOs Individual

Drive Offs

Information about cases where a candidate has driven away from the test centre following a test fail including name, addresses, vehicle details, driver numbers.

Individual TPO zones

Polygon dataset of Southwark Council’s tree preservation order zones showing the ‘individual’ category

TPOs Individual

A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is an order made by the Local Planning Authority in respect of trees or woodlands. The prinicpal effect of a TPO is to prohibit the - cutting down, uprooting,...

TPOs Individual Open Data

Tree preservation orders on individual trees

Individual Savings Accounts (ISA)

Data on Individual Savings Accounts (ISA)

Tree Preservations Orders - Individual

Location of individual protected trees in Milton Keynes

Self-reported drink and drug driving: Findings from the Crime Survey for England and Wales

This release presents data on self-reported drink and drug driving, from the Home Office's Crime Survey for England and Wales, in which repsondents are asked whether they have driven under the...

Tree Preservation Orders individual

Individual Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) within Brecon Beacons National Park. Please note that the Brecon Beacons National Park Authority are in the final stages of reviewing all of the Tree...

HambletonDC Tree Preservation Orders - Individual

Points representing individual and, groups of, individual trees included in Preservation Orders. Captured as applications are received, after a site visit. Locations inferred from drawings taken on...

Individual Savings Accounts Main Tables 9.6

Provides information on savings in adult and junior Individual Savings Accounts - the number of individuals subscribing to ISAs and market values of ISAs. Source agency: HM Revenue and...

Individual Savings Accounts Main Tables 9.4

Provides information on savings in adult and junior Individual Savings Accounts - the number of individuals subscribing to ISAs and market values of ISAs. Source agency: HM Revenue and...

Individual Income Series Reports (Northern Ireland)

Information on weekly incomes by family type, source of income, age, marital status, and employment status. Source agency: Social Development (Northern Ireland) Designation: National...