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83 results found

NHS Scotland Prescribing Statistics

A range of statistics that will vary each quarter, also includes data updated annually. Until December 2011 this publication was split as individual titles -Dispenser renumeration -Drugs...

Adverse drug reactions (Yellow card scheme)

adverse incidents involving prescription medicines, vaccines, over the counter medicines and herbal remedies. Continuous collection. Safety reportsconcerning medical devices - collection, analysis...

UK Biodiversity Indicator B1a, Area of land in agri-environment schemes

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator B1a, Area of land in agri-environment schemes. Agriculture is a major land use in the UK, and rapid changes to agricultural...

Fit notes issued by GP practices

Experimental data on electronic fit notes issued in general practices in England and covers the period from 1 December 2014, when these data became available, to 31 March 2017. The Statement of...

Parking Bays in the London Borough of Southwark

This dataset consists of polygons showing the extent of parking bays on the highway maintained at public expense by Southwark. Attributes include any day and time restrictions as well as estimated...

Dental Consultants

Dental Consultants in England Contains: Name and identifying codes for Dental Consultants employed by NHS Trusts in England. The codes are derived from the Practitioner’s General Dental...

Local Nature Partnerships (England)

Local Nature Partnerships (LNPs) are a key Environment White Paper commitment. There are forty eight strategic partnerships consisting of a wide range of local organisations with members drawn from...

GP practices and surgeries

Name, address and contact details for GP branches in England This file contains a list of active GP branches. The data is aligned with ODS GP data so the identifier is the ODS code for the main GP...

Northern Ireland Family Practitioner Services Statistical Report

The report provides statistics relating to General Medical, Dental, Ophthalmic and Pharmaceutical Services in Northern Ireland in 2007/08. It examines the number of GPs, Dentists, Optometrists...

Climate model data presented in manuscript "The 8.2 ka cooling event caused by Laurentide ice saddle collapse" by Matero et al. (2017) NERC doctoral training grant NE/L002574/1

General circulation model (HadCM3) output of the study by Matero et al. (2017) “The 8.2 ka cooling event caused by Laurentide ice saddle collapse. Data has been processed into netCDF4 - timeseries,...

Details of GPs, GP Practices, Nurses and Pharmacies from Organisation Data Service

The Organisation Data Service (ODS) is provided by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC). It is responsible for the publication of all organisation and practitioner codes and...

List of Educational Psychology Trainees

Educational psychology training is a three year doctorate programme. NCTL train on average 120 annually and share the cost with employers. There are contractual implications for both trainees...

GP Prescribing Data

The data covers prescriptions that are prescribed in Northern Ireland by GPs or Nurses (within a GP Practice), that are subsequently dispensed by a community pharmacist, dispensing doctor or...

Tree Canopy Cover Prioritisation Tool

This is a new tool to help decision-makers choose which locations within London might be prioritised for tree planting. This tool presents the Curio Canopy – London Tree Canopy Cover map at ward...

Census 2021 - LLR veterans

The census is undertaken by the Office for National Statistics every 10 years and gives us a picture of all the people and households in England and Wales. The most recent census took place in...

Census 2021 - Population by single year of age and sex

The census is undertaken by the Office for National Statistics every 10 years and gives us a picture of all the people and households in England and Wales. The most recent census took place in...

Census 2021 - Population by age band and sex time series

The census is undertaken by the Office for National Statistics every 10 years and gives us a picture of all the people and households in England and Wales. The most recent census took place in...

Prescribing Statistics

ISD maintains a detailed database of all NHS prescriptions dispensed in the community in Scotland. The information is supplied to ISD by Practitioner Services Division (PSD) of National Services...

University of Aberdeen – NSTA Frontier Basins Rockall Project: A new view of the UK Rockall Prospectivity (Interim)

This delivery provides interim products from the two year post-doctoral research project that is being undertaken at the University of Aberdeen. This project is focused on the Rockall Trough area...

University of Aberdeen – NSTA Frontier Basins Rockall Project: A new view of the UK Rockall Prospectivity (Final)

This delivery provides the final products from a two year post-doctoral research project that was undertaken at the University of Aberdeen. This project is focused on the Rockall Trough area of...