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57 results found

2009, Centrica, Docking Shoal cable corridor

Docking Shoal cable corridor: amended application area as at August 2009.

2009, Centrica, Docking Shoal cable corridor

Docking Shoal cable corridor: amended application area as at August 2009.

Royal Docks and Beckton Riverside OAPF

The Royal Docks and Beckton Riverside is designated as an Opportunity Area (OA) in the London Plan and is one of the largest regeneration areas in London. Prepared jointly by the GLA, TfL, London...

1955-1960 Markowski Cavendish Dock Acartia tonsa and Ficopomatus enigmaticus records

This dataset was collected to give an indication of the invertebrate fauna of Cavendish Dock, which had undergone significant expansion in the years preceding this survey.

1955-1960 Markowski Cavendish Dock Acartia tonsa and Ficopomatus enigmaticus records

This dataset was collected to give an indication of the invertebrate fauna of Cavendish Dock, which had undergone significant expansion in the years preceding this survey.

Forth Ports Authority (FPA) Geophysical Survey 2007/2_FPA: Grangemouth Docks and Rosyth Docks (1/Feb/2007 to 02/Feb/2007)

This British Geological Survey (BGS) marine geophysical survey took place in February 2007 in Grangemouth & Rosyth docks aboard the survey vessel Calatria. The purpose at Grangemouth was to...

Barrow Port Area Action Plan Policy BP19 - Land at Cavendish Dock

Areas affected by policy BP19 Land at Cavendish Dock from the Barrow Port Area Action Plan. Areas are recorded as a polygon and polylines. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to...

At sea densities of long-tailed skua in the autumn migration season

Krigged density surfaces for long-tailed skua, in the autumn migration period. Covers UK waters and uses ESAS data.

At sea densities of long-tailed skua in the spring migration season

Krigged density surfaces for long-tailed skua, in the spring migration period. Covers UK waters and uses ESAS data.

Visual Tracking data, tern species, Imperial Dock Lock, Leith SPA (2009 to 2010)

This resource includes a series of spreadsheets which provide visual tracking data from Imperial Dock Lock, Leith Special Protection Area (SPA), for common terns. The data cover the breeding...

Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) Bathymetric Survey HI1423, Docking Shoal to Blakeney Overfalls, (31/05/2014 to 04/12/2014)

Samples and associated geological data are held at the British Geological Survey for Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA), Civil Hydrography Programme (CHP), Bathymetric Survey HI1423; Docking Shoal to...

Chemical contaminants in White-tailed sea eagle eggs - Predatory Bird Monitoring Scheme (PBMS)

Data from analyses of addled and deserted sea eagle eggs collected by licensed collectors in Scotland. Contaminants reported include polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine pesticides or...

Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) Bathymetric Survey HI1270, Tail of the Falls, (27/09/2008 to 27/09/2008)

Samples and associated geological data are held at the British Geological Survey for Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA), Civil Hydrography Programme (CHP), Bathymetric Survey HI1270; Tail of the...

Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) Bathymetric Survey HI1120, Tail of the Falls, (08/06/2005 to 09/06/2005)

Samples and associated geological data are held at the British Geological Survey for Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA), Civil Hydrography Programme (CHP), Bathymetric Survey HI1120; Tail of the...

Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) Bathymetric Survey HI1649, DWR C1 Tail of the Falls, (06/07/2019 to 08/07/2019)

Samples and associated geological data are held at the British Geological Survey for Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA), Civil Hydrography Programme (CHP), Bathymetric Survey HI1649; DWR C1 Tail of...

Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) Bathymetric Survey HI1651, DWR C3 Tail of the Falls, (04/07/2019 to 03/10/2019)

Samples and associated geological data are held at the British Geological Survey for Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA), Civil Hydrography Programme (CHP), Bathymetric Survey HI1651; DWR C3 Tail of...

Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) Bathymetric Survey HI1652, DWR C4 Tail of the Falls, (07/07/2019 to 05/10/2019)

Samples and associated geological data are held at the British Geological Survey for Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA), Civil Hydrography Programme (CHP), Bathymetric Survey HI1652; DWR C4 Tail of...

Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) Bathymetric Survey HI1650, DWR C2 Tail of the Falls, (07/07/2019 to 03/10/2019)

Samples and associated geological data are held at the British Geological Survey for Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA), Civil Hydrography Programme (CHP), Bathymetric Survey HI1650; DWR C2 Tail of...

Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) Bathymetric Survey HI1694, DWR C1 Tail of the Falls, (13/08/2020 to 15/08/2020)

Samples and associated geological data are held at the British Geological Survey for Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA), Civil Hydrography Programme (CHP), Bathymetric Survey HI1694; DWR C1 Tail of...

Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) Bathymetric Survey HI1079, DWR Tail of the Falls, (28/07/2004 to 29/07/2004)

Samples and associated geological data are held at the British Geological Survey for Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA), Civil Hydrography Programme (CHP), Bathymetric Survey HI1079; DWR Tail of the...