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Average Confidence Level of Heat Demand Estimates (500m Grid) - Scotland

The Scotland Heat Map provides estimates of heat demand for all properties in Scotland. To indicate reliability, each estimate is assigned a confidence level from 1 to 5. Level 1 is least reliable...

Average Confidence Level of Heat Demand Estimates (250m Grid) - Scotland

The Scotland Heat Map provides estimates of heat demand for all properties in Scotland. To indicate reliability, each estimate is assigned a confidence level from 1 to 5. Level 1 is least reliable...

Average Confidence Level of Heat Demand Estimates (1km Grid) - Scotland

The Scotland Heat Map provides estimates of heat demand for all properties in Scotland. To indicate reliability, each estimate is assigned a confidence level from 1 to 5. Level 1 is least reliable...

Average Confidence Level of Heat Demand Estimates (50m Grid) - Scotland

The Scotland Heat Map provides estimates of heat demand for all properties in Scotland. To indicate reliability, each estimate is assigned a confidence level from 1 to 5. Level 1 is least reliable...

Maritime fuel demand projections for the year 2050 at 1377 global ports

This dataset contains the projected fuel demand per vessel type in the year 2050 at 1377 ports around the world. The baseline fuel demand and the projected throughput at each port are also...

River Water Quality Monitoring 1990 to 2018 - Biochemical Oxygen Demand

This table provides the raw data from river monitoring sites including Water Framework Directive monitoring sites. It should be noted that, as the data set is in its raw state, it cannot be used to...

River Water Quality Monitoring 1990 to 2018 - Biochemical Oxygen Demand

This table provides the raw data from river monitoring sites including Water Framework Directive monitoring sites. It should be noted that, as the data set is in its raw state, it cannot be used to...

Platform Specific Consolidated Allowance List Information System

Presentation tools – and associated data sets - that inform decisions about how many of which piece parts should be held onboard each ship and submarine to meet expected demand for them.

Civilian Personnel Numbers by Agency

Civilian MOD staff numbers by agency, trading fund and location Due to no continuing demand this publication is being discontinued so this edition will be the last. Source agency:...

Technical assessment boundaries behind the abstraction licensing strategies Cycle 2

The technical assessment boundaries are used to define which water resource demands fall into each technical assessment. They are used to look at the balance between society, the economy and the...

OS MasterMap Building Height Attribute

OS MasterMap Topography Layer – Building Height Attribute shows building height properties to help manage assets, plan works and visualise urban density. Building Height Attribute is an...

Digital Record Store for images (DRCi)

Hosted by Iron Mountain. The DRC is an IBM Image on Demand System. It stores and manages digital images and fixed content. It currently holds British Coal Corporation (BCC) scanned Medical Records...

Armed Forces Continuous Attitude Survey Headline Results

The MOD uses the Armed Forces Continuous Attitude Survey (AFCAS) to collect information on the attitudes, opinions and circumstances of serving personnel. The main report of the AFCAS includes...

Immigration Enforcement data

This record contains data on: the number of records in the migration refusal pool; the breakdown of those eligible for deportation; family returns; the average cost per day to hold an individual in...

Influence of riparian shade on stream thermal regime (New Forest 2010)

River temperature is a key parameter of water quality. Most bio-chemical processes and physical characteristics of a water body are functions of temperature. Aquatic organisms including fish are...

The National Employer Skills Survey (NESS), 2003-2009

The National Employer Skills Survey for England (NESS) was a survey carried out biennially in England by the Learning and Skills Council. In 2009, as part of continuity measures after machinery of...

Community Infrastructure Levy Notices Issued By Camden

This dataset contains CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) Liability Notices, Demand Notices and Payments in Camden.

London Early Years Datastore for Childcare Sufficiency Assessments (CSA)

Childcare Sufficiency Assessment Template and Datastore for London boroughs. We have worked closely with London boroughs to produce a common template for their Childcare Sufficiency Assessments....

Skills for Londoners Strategy London Post-16 SEND Review

**In 2019 the GLA commissioned education specialists Mime to provide an up-to-date picture of supply and demand of Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) provision for 16-25 year olds in...

Abstraction Licensing Strategy boundaries Cycle 2

The Abstraction Licensing Strategy Boundaries are an external reference dataset giving an indication of where technical assessments have been undertaken. The technical assessment helps identify...