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The National Archives - documents delivered online

The number of documents delivered online by The National Archives since April 2010

NI Water Water Delivered 2020 2021

NI Water Annual Information Return 2020 2021 Table 10 Non Financial Measures Water Delivered

The National Archives - documents delivered onsite

The number of documents delivered onsite at the National Archives in Kew since April 2010

Number of new affordable homes delivered in York

Number of new affordable homes delivered in York

Bikeability Courses Delivered in Schools

Calderdale Council delivers a National Standard Bikeability cycle training to Year 5 and Year 6 school children as part of a series of training courses for each year group. The funded two day...

National Archives - Original documents delivered within 60 minutes

The National Archives provides information about the number of records delivered to the public in our reading rooms within 60 minutes. This information is available here.

NI Water Non Financial Measures Water Delivered 2019 2020

NI Water Annual Information Return - Non Financial Measures Water Delivered 2019 2020

NI Water's Annual Information Return submission to NIAUR regarding water delivered

NI Water's Annual Information Return submission to NIAUR regarding non financial measures- water delivered

NI Water AIR21 Nominated Outputs Delivered by PC15 2020 2021

NI Water Annual Information Return 2020 2021 Table 40a Nominated Outputs Delivered by PC15 Capital Projects and Programmes of Work

One Point Service Hubs

Spatial dataset of One Point Service Hub locations from which services to children and families are co-ordinated, managed and delivered within Durham. Please see One Point family centres and hubs -...

Child Maintenance Service Statistics

This publication contains information on cases being processed by the 2012 statutory child maintenance scheme, delivered by the Child Maintenance...


NI Water Annual Information Return 2019 2020 Table 40A Nominated Outputs Delivered by PC15 Capital Projects and Programmes of Work

Legal Services Commission annual statistics report

The Legal Services Commission is responsible for delivering, through high quality service providers, legal aid, advice and representation to people with problems in England and Wales. We deliver...

Spatial Hub Download Service (WFS)

The Spatial Hub is a resource which provides a single point of access to quality assured Scottish local authority data in a consistent format. It is developed, operated and managed by the Spatial...

Spatial Hub View Service (WMS)

The Spatial Hub is a resource which provides a single point of access to quality assured Scottish local authority data in a consistent format. It is developed, operated and managed by the Spatial...

Family Services Management Agreement

Each of the Council’s in-house Delivery Units has a Management Agreement that sets out the actions for delivering the relevant sections of the Commissioning Plans, along with key indicators to help...

FCERM Capital Programme Homes Better Protected - Completed and Delivered Projects 2015-2021

Projects that have either completed or are still in construction but have delivered home better protected from 1/4/15 to 31/3/2021 Only point data based on a single NGR for each project. As...

Parking Services Contract

The London Borough of Barnet entered into a new contract with NSL Ltd on 1 November 2018 to deliver its parking enforcement and related services. The contract is currently being prepared for...

Evaluation of National Careers Service partnership delivery

Data from a customer survey that was carried out during the evaluation. The survey was a sample of 100 National Careers Service customers and is not a representative sample. The data was for an...

HMRC Civil Service Reform

Civil Service Reform: one year on – HMRC progress on implementing Civil Service Reform. On 19 June 2012, the Minister for the Cabinet Office and Head of the Civil Service jointly published the...