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104 results found


Parish Wards decided during CWAC Community Governance Review and supplied by Boundary Commission

Species richness and recording priority derived from species distribution models for Lepidoptera in Great Britain

This dataset includes a set of modelled outputs produced as part of the DECIDE project. Three groups were modelled; butterflies, day-flying moths and night-flying moths. (For the moths, we only...

OGEL Checker

OGEL Checker is a web-based search tool designed to help exporters decide if they might be able to use an Open General Export Licence (OGEL).

Gas Works

This layer includes gas works and gas holders. To assist in deciding whether there is any pollution risk to current or proposed uses from current of historic uses.

Factory Works - Points

Comprises sites where an industrial activity may have existed. To assist in deciding whether there is any pollution risk to current or proposed uses from current or historic uses.

Factory Works

Comprises sites where an industrial activity may have existed. To assist in deciding whether there is any pollution risk to current or proposed uses from current or historic uses.

Cost per decision for all permanent and temporary migration applications

The total costs attributed to processing all permanent and temporary migration decisions, the number of applications decided and the cost of each decision for all permanent and temporary migration...

Quarry Pits

Quarry pit information. This layer does not include known filled ground. To assist in deciding whether there is any pollution risk to current or proposed uses from current or historic...

Debt Management

This data is extracted from the Department's Debt Manager System, the IT solution used to record, calculate, decide recoverability and recover overpayments of DWP and other Social Security...

Compulsory Purchase Orders

Compulsory purchase powers are provided to enable acquiring authorities to compulsorily purchase land to carry out a function which Parliament has decided is in the public interest. Anyone who has...

Roman Catholic Secondary School Catchment Areas (RCSS) - City of Edinburgh

Every household in Edinburgh has a catchment area. The catchment area decides at which schools you will be given a priority place. This dataset displays the boundaries of Roman Catholic secondary...

Non Denominational Secondary School Catchment Areas (NDSS) - City of Edinburgh

Every household in Edinburgh has a catchment area. The catchment area decides at which schools you will be given a priority place. This dataset displays the boundaries of non denominational...

Historic Waste and Industry

Areas where waste and industry may have been historically located. These areas have been digitized with reference to historic maps to assist in deciding whether there is any pollution risk to...

Compulsory Purchase Orders

Cherwell District Council Compulsory Purchase Orders records. Compulsory purchase powers are provided to enable acquiring authorities to compulsorily purchase land to carry out a function which...

Northern Ireland planning statistics annual dataset

These datasets accompany the Northern Ireland planning statistics annual reports, which are usually published in June/July each year. They contain finalised, validated information on received and...

Refuse Tips

These are landfills believed to have received putresible waste. The information is from historic or current maps or records, information received or visits, it may not have been verified and may...

Local Planning Authorities - Scotland

This dataset provides digital boundaries for Local Planning Authorities (LPA) in Scotland. LPAs have primary responsibility for the delivery of the planning service in Scotland including preparing...

Ofwat board and senior management expenses

The Civil Service Management Code sets out the general rules on the reimbursement of expenses. Ofwat has decided to make a voluntary disclosure of the expenditure incurred by the Chairman,...

Camden Strategy On Provision Of Public Library Services 2011-2014

​Camden council decided to launch a consultation to allow the community to have an input in the decision making process around libraries and to help shape this strategy. The consultation...

Spend over £500 in the Department of Energy and Climate Change

A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £500 made by the Department of Energy and Climate Change, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in...