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NDR Credit

Credits can arise against business rates accounts for a number of reasons including vacation of premises, entitlement to business rates relief and revaluation.  Credits can be set against liability...

NNDR - Credits

NNDR Accounts in credit

Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit Statistics, Provisional

Detailed view of Tax Credits customers and their entitlement at snapshot points in time in April or December; includes geographical breakdown at country, region, local authority and parliamentary...

Tax Credits

Administrative datasets on Tax Credits

Tax Credits

Administrative datasets on Tax Credits

Universal Credit: Claimants

Universal Credit: Claimants

Tax Credits: Net payments

Provides monthly and annual historical records on all HMRC Tax & NIC receipts, and Tax Credit payments. Previously listed under 'Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Personal Tax Credits'. Source...

Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit Statistics, Small Area Data

Detailed annual lower level geographical estimates of families and their children in receipt of Child & Working Tax Credits as at 31 August of the reference year; geographical location at...

Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit Statistics, Error and Fraud

An annual measure of the levels of error and fraud in finalised Tax Credt awards. Previously listed under 'Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Personal Tax Credits'. Source agency: HM Revenue and...

In Work Credit

Quarterly statistics on the take-up of In Work Credit (IWC), a financial incentive available to lone parents moving into work. This series ended in May...

Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit Statistics, Finalised Award

Retrospective picture of finalised annual awards and payments made to families who claimed WTC and or CTC in the previous year; provides details on family circumstance and average entitlement as...

Credit card charge backs

Credit card charge backs including bank reference, candidate name and address, date of test, booking reference number, credit card number used and name and address of card holder.

NNDR Accounts in Credit

NNDR Accounts in Credit

NNDR Credit Balances

This dataset shows the credit balances on business rate accounts. The dataset will be updated at the end of every month. Last Updated 30th May 2018.

NNDR Credits 2016/2017

NNDR Accounts in Credit 2017

NNDR - Credits 2014/2015

NNDR Accounts in credit 2014/2015

Tax Credit Claimants

This dataset provides information about the number and percentage of families receiving Working Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit, the number of children and adults in those families and the level of...

Non-domestic rates credits

National non-domestic rate credits

Pension Credit (Northern Ireland)

Presents data from the Pension Credit (PC) Quarterly Statistical Enquiry, shows the key features of the PC population, provides a summary of the main features of PC and how they affect numbers of...

Research and Development Tax Credits

Provides annual information about the uptake of R&D (Research & Development) tax credits, their cost, and the nature of the companies claiming them. Previously listed under 'Revenue-based...